‘No more looting’: Thousands rally across EU to express solidarity with Greece

Thousands of people have flooded the streets of EU cities in mass demonstrations expressing solidarity with Greece ahead of this weekend’s referendum on a cash-for-reform deal with its Troika of creditors.
READ MORE:Greek solidarity protests across Europe ahead of referendum LIVE UPDATES
The participants of UK-based Global Justice Now staged a solidarity protest at the British Museum. The banners read: “OXI [No in Greek],” “No More Looting” and “Support Greece.”
@JunckerEU This is what #Europe looks like.It's a map of all the protests in solidarity with Greece this week #OXIpic.twitter.com/FVPG8LUxBK
— Londinium (@truthison) July 3, 2015
“We’re here to say OXI to the modern-day looting of Greece through forced austerity and privatization to pay off the reckless loans of European banks,” said Jonathan Stevenson from the Jubilee Debt Campaign while taking part in the protest.
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Glasgow chanting “From Glasgow to Greece, no justice no peace” and “the Troika says cut-back, we say fight-back.
#Scotland stands with #Greece ! End #austerity now! #oxi#greferendum#Europepic.twitter.com/aLDTO0ouuv
— Mamas Nicolaou (@MamasNicolaou) July 3, 2015
Glasgow says 'Oxi': Hundreds demonstrate in solidarity with Greek 'No' vote http://t.co/4zJDTYpJaz#Greece#Oxipic.twitter.com/maJ1xGzBty
— Liam O'Hare (@Liam_O_Hare) July 3, 2015
“The Troika and the corporate media are attempting to blackmail the Greek people, so acts of solidarity like today are important in letting Greeks know that they are not alone,” Jonathon Shafi from the Radical Independence Campaign, which organized the protest, told CommonSpace News Service.
Solidarity to Greece from Frankfurt! #oxi#Greferendumpic.twitter.com/weWqTKGJYA
— levu (@levudev) July 3, 2015
Crowds have also been rallying across Germany. “Alle Sagen OXI [All say NO]” and “NoTroika” read the banners held by protesters in Frankfurt, while Berliners marched with placards reading “No to pressure,” “Solidarity instead of Austerity” and “Fight Austerity Everywhere.”
Desde las calles de Berlin. "Greece, u'll never be alone" canta la gente. Muy emocionante #OXI#Berlin#Grefferendumpic.twitter.com/B0GrX4tye5
— Carlos Ibarra (@Gatoilicitano) July 3, 2015
Similar protests supporting Greece were held in Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, and many other states across the EU.
READ MORE: Ναι vs Όχι: Yes and No campaigns take to Greek web as referendum looms
On Sunday, Greeks will vote on whether the government should accept their creditors’ bailout terms. If they vote ‘Yes’ the current government is likely to resign and the people will have to accept the harsh austerity measures demanded by the Troika, including additional wage and pension cuts.
Denmark stands in solidarity with #Greece. No to blackmail and austerity. We support the Greeks and democracy! #OXIpic.twitter.com/UknQylCMLd
— Nikolaj Villumsen (@nvillumsen) July 3, 2015
However, a ‘No’ vote would likely lead to Greece’s exit from the eurozone and potentially the EU, consequently raising questions about the viability of the euro.
En Padua, Italia, en solidaridad con el pueblo griego toman una sucursal bancaria. #OXI#Greferendumpic.twitter.com/hnE4C9IGct
— Desinformémonos (@Desinformemonos) July 3, 2015
#Venice#Italy "with the Greek people against #Troika blackmail" sit-in now in front of State TV. #OXI#Greferendumpic.twitter.com/vHiszoDHzF
— Beppe Caccia (@beppecaccia) July 3, 2015
Greece, which has been in crisis since 2009, was supposed to make an IMF loan payment of €1.6 billion by July 1st but failed to do so. It is scheduled to make another major payment of €3.5 billion to the ECB on July, 20.
Manifestation de soutien à la Grèce à #Paris#OXI@syriza_gr#GreekCrisis#greekreferendumhttp://t.co/Ik6ZM71xeUpic.twitter.com/OdyCWfK3x0
— Samuel Boivin (@Sam_Boivin) July 2, 2015
The biggest demonstration regarding the referendum so far occurred on Friday, with at least 25,000 people rallying in Athens for a “No” vote, while about 20,000 “Yes” supporters gathered, police told AFP.
#Venezia ora presidio sotto la sede @RaiTv del #Veneto NO all'#austerity SÌ alla democrazia. #OXI#Greferendumpic.twitter.com/b4VNFAqqKQ
— Beppe Caccia (@beppecaccia) July 3, 2015
The latest Ipsos poll shows that 44 percent of the Greeks say “Yes” to remaining part of the eurozone at any cost, while 43 percent are against.