Medvedev’s opening speech at Davos forum canceled due to Moscow terror

The blast at the Moscow airport may affect the upcoming world economic forum in the Swiss town of Davos. Russia's president Dmitry Medvedev was scheduled to open the summit, but after the attack said he would delay his arrival.
Medvedev is still expected to come to Davos forum at some stage.The tragic event in Moscow is likely to bring security issues firmly into the spotlight at Davos.In the aftermath of the terrorist act in Moscow’s largest airport, President Medvedev has received telephone calls and messages of condolences from leaders all around the world, and he can expect more when he arrives in Davos. Meanwhile, creating “a risk response network” is already on the forum’s agenda. That is a sort of network of world leaders to co-ordinate responses to what the forum’s participants perceive as the major risks to people in the world in the coming years – the risks of another economic meltdown and terrorism.More than 2,500 representatives of government agencies, business elite and NGOs are expected to take part in the forum, including 35 state and government leaders and 80 ministers.The air space within a radius of 46km above Davos has been closed since Tuesday morning. The restriction will be lifted on January 31, a day after the forum finishes its work.The exception is being done only for the planes of top-ranking guests of the forum who have obtained special permission from the Air Force in advance.