Occupy Oakland: LIVE Updates

11:03 GMT: As protesters are heading back to camp we are closing our LIVE updates feed for now. Thank you for following!10:38 GMT: Some of final Occupy Oakland protesters at 15th & Broadway just elected to end face-off with police, head back to camp10:35 GMT: The last few Occupy Oakland participants sitting quietly in front of police line at 15th & Broadway http://t.co/qPIvrJBT10:33 GMT: Reports say one person dies at hospital after two protestors at Occupy Oakland got hit by "frustrated" driver10:14 GMT: People trying to repair Tully's Coffee Shop smashed window with canvas and wood http://t.co/g8S43B3I10:14 GMT: Presumed Homeland Security helicopter flying over Occupy Oakland at low altitude10:01 GMT: Eyewitness reports say looters broke into Tulley's Coffee Shop just outside the Plaza9:58 GMT: Some of the riot police are dispersing, to cheers from the protesters9:56 GMT: Another photo of hundreds of protesters occupying the Port of Oakland http://t.co/PJh9PJlu9:53 GMT: Situation at Occupy Oakland calmed down but police force still present9:47 GMT: Tear gas assault on Occupy Oakland crowd http://bit.ly/u18kuW9:43 GMT: Cameraman at Occupy Oakland in need of new battery to keep up live stream online, Twitter users voicing suspicion the cops are waiting to move in until live streamer's battery goes down.9:33 GMT: 16 vans filled with riot police just pulled up at 17th st.9:27 GMT: Occupy Oakland numbers are growing quickly. The daytime general strike reportedly had 20,000-40,000 people9:25 GMT: Man walks by Oakland protesters pushing a bicycle, yelling "Police are not our enemy!"9:19 GMT: Very large group of Occupy Oakland protesters still heading towards Port of Oakland http://t.co/zFuX7lCf9:19 GMT: People yelling "Our Streets" to drumbeat against wall of riot police, situation is tense, Twitter user reports.9:15 GMT: Police cars lined up on 19th and Broadway http://yfrog.com/nyh57fej9:12 GMT: Many in Occupy Oakland camp voice disgust at 'outside interlopers' deliberately provocating police9:09 GMT: Crowd and police facing off at 15th & Broadway, crowd chanting 'We are Oakland!'9:03 GMT: Port of Oakland still shut down by protesters http://bit.ly/v0yt1l9:00 GMT: US flag set on fire at 14th & Broadway http://t.co/7nMbprDq8:57 GMT: Oakland Police has declared unlawful assembly, just announced chemical agents will be used.8:55 GMT: At 14th and Broadway two people are lighting an American flag on fire, Twitter user reports8:53 GMT: People at Occupy Oakland camp yelling "There are children at this camp!" as tear gas is fired8:46 GMT: Up to 100 people have reportedly been arrested by police, Twitter users report.8:41 GMT: People are attending to a man grimacing in pain on the grass. He was reportedly hit in the leg by a police projectile.8:26 GMT: Oakland Police are harrassing the Occupy Oakland encampment again. Protestors are being attacked.8:16 GMT: Protesters are getting hit with flashbangs and teargas right now at Oscar Grant Plaza8:04 GMT: Police are preparing to go inside the camp. Warn media that everyone in the camp will soon be arrested. Reports many police officers have no badges and have tape covering their names7:36 GMT: Lucy Kafanov tweets that Oakland PD holding tear gas launcher in hand. She is moving away from it.7:31 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov: Several riot officers jump into unmarked cars. One car has a sign reading: Hayward Police Department. http://twitpic.com/7a7rp87:26 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov: Some sort of smoke billowing behind police lines http://twitpic.com/7a7pa1. Oakland PD wearing gas masks twitpic.com/7a7qr67:24 GMT: 17th and Broadway also blocked off by Oakland PD in riot gear http://twitpic.com/7a7ow7:20 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov tweets that one arrest has just been made near her. She tweets it looks like police cleared 16th7:19 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov: Fire has been put out. Riot police holding street7:16 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov: Battle erupts on the streets of Oakland. Occupy Oakland protesters stand off with riot police on 16th and Telegraph Sts.7:13GMT: Lucy Kafanov tweets that she also sees a giant fire on 16th Street.7:12 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov tweets: In total 250+ police officers in riot gear marching down Telegraph St. Fire burning high. Fire truck here.7:11 GMT: Some 60-100 Oakland PD riot officers just joined ranks from 18th Street. Marching on protesters now.7: 09 GMT: Occupy Oakland protesters set barricade on fire. Batons are out but riot police holding formation for now. Mood is tense, RT’s Lucy Kafanov7:05 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov tweets that her cameraman trapped behind protesters filming. She is on the other side where riot police marching down7:04 GMT: Riot police marching down on, explosion heard, Lucy Kafanov tweets. http://twitpic.com/7a7dee6:55 GMT: Approx 15 white vans idling with police in riot gear on Telegraph twitpic.com/7a7cjj]6:35 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov: 16th Street officially taken by Occupy Oakland protesters. 6:34 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov tweets that protesters are running down the street with a garbage dumpster to block off streets.6:30 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov: Protesters occupied the building on this street, crowd built barricade. 6:26 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov: Protester tells that 200 Oakland PD officers are at 6th and Broadway in riot gear. 6:15 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov tweets that the crowd seems to think that the police are about to gather on protesters on 16th Street. Foreclosed home was occupied.06.40 GMT: RT's Lucy Kafanov and crew managed to leave protesters’ “captivity” safely04.44 GMT: Protester struck by car sustained non life-threatening injuries – Oakland Police Dept04.33 GMT: Protesters declare victory after shutting down one of nation's busiest shipping ports & begin leaving area03.52 GMT: RT's Lucy Kafanov: RT crew surrounded by protesters. Voting on whether to let us through. Half support us. Half don't.03.20 GMT: Car struck 2 pedestrians at Occupy Oakland General Strike, photo http://twitpic.com/7a3yjc03.14 GMT: Photo of Occupy Oakland protesters taking the port http://t.co/rLOUxCql02.28 GMT: RT's Lucy Kafanov: Car just tried speeding through crowd and several hundred protesters jumped on it hitting windows and chanting02.36 GMT: RT's Lucy Kafanov: Occupy Oakland protesters form human chain at Port of Oakland gates. Truck turns off engine. Protesters cheer. No one's gettin through02.14 GMT: Protesters creating picket lines at Port of Oakland gates to prevent workers from entering for night shift01.55 GMT: All gates at Port of Oakland now blocked01.25 GMT: Protests estimated at 10.000 people as General Strike shuts down Port of Oakland00.50 GMT: Port of Oakland officially closed as protesters block gates00,45 GMT: Second wave of protesters arrives at port00.36 GMT: Thousands of Occupy Oakland protesters at Port of Oakland in attempt to shut down commerce00.17 GMT: RT's Lucy Kafanov: Truly incredible sight as thousands of protesters flood into the port. An army of giant 18 wheelers blocks the road in support23.55 GMT: "Capitalism killed my rights" banner at march in Port of Oakland http://twitpic.com/7a1htg23.30 GMT: Frontline shields marching http://t.co/JPHSO0mR23.12 GMT: Several buses filled with Occupy Oakland protesters left for the Port23.07 GMT: Young men with handmade 'stop police brutality' shields instructed to lead march to port http://pic.twitter.com/AiK5MIbT22.56 GMT: Crowd of at least 5,000 Occupy Oakland protesters preparing to march to Port of Oakland22.37 GMT: Wells Fargo windows smashed http://t.co/srSYBUbZ, http://t.co/tpjCG3Xk22.12 GMT: Shattered windows at BofA http://t.co/0RReHswk21.53 GMT: Protesters spray-paint "Strike" on Whole Foods after reports they threatened workers http://t.co/ZLoCEB9k21.42 GMT: Port of Oakland running at half capacity in solidarity with Occupy Oakland General Strike21.03 GMT: Taxi driver gives free cab rides to the General Strike crowd http://t.co/7sLIGJ1R20.46 GMT: Police helicopters circling above the plaza but can't be heard above the speakers in front of city hall20.15 GMT: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Comerica, Chase and Citigroup shut down by Occupy Oakland protesters20.10 GMT: Demonstrators create human barricade to BofA entrance, moving to Wells Fargo http://t.co/a2Liljfl19.53 GMT: Occupy Oakland marchers block Chase bank entrances with people & 'caution' tape19.38 GMT: Oakland police officers to city: "We, too, are the 99%" http://t.co/AGQZfaWs19.19 GMT: Citibank temporarily closed after protest 19.04 GMT: This morning's rally at 14th and Broadway http://t.co/ZEsMIN9K18.46 GMT: "Anti-Capitalism" march planned at 2pm. Here's a photo of the banner http://t.co/4sOHqzdP18.46 GMT: 18% of Oakland teachers called in sick today, instead of usual 1%. That's about 360 teachers joining the protest.18.33 GMT: Huge banner at 14th and Broadway reads "Long live the Oakland Commune" http://t.co/xgPtyuZx18.25 GMT: Crowds from Occupy Oakland marching against the banks, their numbers swelling rapidly http://twitpic.com/79xg8218.23 GMT: Protesters standing in front of citibank now http://t.co/i4byj2U718.21 GMT: @Redpixels tweets: Regrouping at 14th and Broadway. News copters circling overhead. Still no cops in sight.18.03 GMT: RT's Lucy Kafanov: Peaceful Occupy Oakland march leaving Wells Fargo building now http://twitpic.com/79x7cn17.53 GMT: Occupy Oakland marchers turning onto 12th toward Wells Fargo at 12th and Broadway17.49 GMT: Marchers in front of the state building on Clay http://t.co/OVWsLVcW17.42 GMT: March stops outside the State Office Building thundering "Rise up! Rise up!"17.40 GMT: "Occupy Oakland, not Palestine" http://yfrog.com/hsjolzpj17.30 GMT: Occupy protesters marching and chanting "Oakland, Oakland represent. We are the 99%!" http://t.co/zL7aWqPJ17.25 GMT: Protesters marching with Occupy Oakland are chanting "Whose Streets? Our Streets?" as they rally down Broadway. Tubas are playing.17.24 GMT: Occupy Oakland march is very peaceful so far. No overbearing police presence. Marchers were all given phone # for legal assistance17.22 GMT: 'I Will Survive Capitalism' flash mob (VIDEO) http://yfrog.com/b8npyz17.18 GMT: March down Broadway to the banks http://yfrog.com/odz5dmyj17.15 GMT: March to the bank to take out money now beginning from Occupy Oakland17.13 GMT: RT's Lucy Kafanov: ILWU denies that operations disrupted at Port of Oakland, but members here say skilled workers aren't taking jobs17.08 GMT: Estimated 600-900 already out at Occupy Oakland http://t.co/GXhsyKGK17.04 GMT: Speakers at the Occupy Oakland are asking protesters to move their money out of the banks16.58 GMT: "Stand with Oakland" marching in Boston http://yfrog.com/nypc9hlj16.55 GMT: Occupy Oakland vows that if any students or workers are disciplined for participating in general strike then those places will be picketed16.46 GMT: RT's Lucy Kafanov: Occupy Oakland crowd told the 4 & 5 pm marches critical to ensuring Port of Oakland remains shut for general strike today16.40 GMT: Occupy Oakland LIVE STREAM up at http://www.livestream.com/occupyoakland16.37 GMT: Angela Davis ends speech with "We are the ones we have been waiting for"16.35 GMT: Crowd erupts in cheers as speaker announces "First shift of longshoremen at port of Oakland has already shut down the Port of Oakland – and its not even 9am"16.33 GMT: Angela Davis: "We support Occupy Oakland, but we say no to the occupation of Palestine"16.30 GMT: Crowds flocking in, protesters chanting "Strike, Occupy, Shut them down, Oakland is the people's town" http://twitpic.com/79vt6o16.27 GMT: Angela Davis: "The eyes of the world are on our city" http://twitpic.com/79vxxw16.24 GMT: Angela Davis addressing Occupy Oakland protesters: "The 99% are arising all over the planet"16.21 GMT: Grand Lake Cinema closed to support the strike http://instagr.am/p/SdadY/16.18 GMT: Angela Davis is expected to kick-start the strike, RT's Lucy Kafanov tweets. Quite an enforcement for Occupy movement.16.14 GMT: RT’s Lucy Kafanov in Oakland – Protester shows me his wounds from the rubber bullets police supposedly weren't using during the raid a week ago. http://twitpic.com/79ll0g Hope not to see more of these today16.13 GMT: Oakland Police Officer’s Association published an open letter ahead of the strike http://bit.ly/uiVWHd16.05 GMT: Many shops closed on Wednesday. Mens Warehouse a US Corporation with sign saying "We are the 99%" http://twitpic.com/79ljbj16.00 GMT: Hello. Follow this feed for LIVE updates on Occupy Oakland mass protests.