Ill omen? Pope’s doves of peace for Ukraine attacked by angry birds (PHOTOS)

Pope Francis on Sunday prayed for the start of a “constructive dialogue” in Ukraine, releasing two white doves to symbolize the hope for peace. However, the doves were immediately attacked by a crow and a seagull.
Addressing tens of thousands of people gathered in Vatican City’s
St. Peter’s Square for the Pope’s weekly Angelus prayer, the
pontiff said that his thoughts and prayers were with the victims
of the Ukrainian unrest.
“I am close to Ukraine in prayer, in particular to those who
have lost their lives in recent days and to their families,”
Pope Francis said.
He then raised hopes for a “constructive dialogue between the
institutions and civil society,” urging both sides to avoid
violence and reminding that “the spirit of peace and a search
for the common good” should be “in the hearts of
In a symbolic peace gesture, two white doves were then released
by children standing alongside Pope Francis.
Bad omen? @DavidKenner Pope Francis's peace doves being attacked by crows,in the world's least hopeful symbolism ever
— notanna1AnnaNotaro (@notanna1) January 26, 2014
But as soon as the birds took off, they were immediately attacked
by a crow and a seagull.
The crowd gasped as one dove broke free from its seagull
attacker, losing some feathers in the process. The other was less
fortunate and was repeatedly pecked at by the crow before flying

It is not clear what happened to the doves after onlookers lost sight of them.
The awkward moment when the Pope releases peace doves at the Vatican and they're immediately mauled by vultures
— Aaron (@AaronsOnLine) January 26, 2014
Social networks immediately exploded with comments and interpretations of the incident; some perceived it as an “ill omen” while others simply described the situation as ironic.
ILL OMEN in St Peter's: Pope released 2 peace doves today--then gulls attacked them.
— p peter (@brpeterfj) January 26, 2014
Hundreds of protesters and police officers have been injured in violent riots in Ukraine. Investigators have been searching for shooters who, in separate incidents this week, killed several rioters and one policeman with rounds suitable for a sporting gun.