Children in Syria chemical attack video 'moved between locations' before 'staged' filming

Children filmed as victims of the Aug 21 chemical attack in a Damascus suburb had been deliberately moved to the location from a different region after being kidnapped weeks before, Mother Agnes told RT after presenting her own investigation to the UN.
Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib and her group carried out their own
investigation. They looked through the 35 videos of the incident
that were posted on the internet.
What caught Mother Agnes’ eye was that the same children
resurfaced in different videos.
“We see children in a video presented as victims of a chemical
attack in Jobar. And then we see the same kids in a video out of
Kfar-Batna, and they are claimed to be kids from Kfar-Batna, and
then, from Ain Terma. We have seen one and the same boy
ostensibly in agony in different settings,” she told RT
“Who are those children? We want to know the truth,”
Mother Agnes says.
RT:To start with, could you tell us a little about
your team and what you do? Does your team consist of Syrians or
foreign nationals?
Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib: We are a multinational group
intended to assist reconciliation in Syria, as our name suggests.
We have with us representatives from a number of countries
including Australia, Belgium, France, Ireland, the United States,
and even Malaysia. We also represent Arab countries, including
Syria, of course. We are willing to maintain communication with
anyone inside Syria who would take interest in mitigating the
impact of this conflict for the civilian population. To that end,
we are willing to engage opposition groups as well as government
forces. We are committed to providing whatever assistance we can
to civilians who have been aggrieved, whether by the actions of
opposition fighters, or those of government troops. To be sure,
we have pointed to numerous human rights violations in Syria, as
those violations have been unending throughout this terrible
crisis, and they have had an impact on every citizen of Syria. We
must assist refugees, the elderly, women, and children. Starting
from March this year, we have received several offers of support
from UN offices and a number of NGOs. And we are getting some
serious support.
RT:Would you tell us about the study that you
presented today during a meeting of the UN Human Rights
MA: The study I have prepared is based primarily on
testimonies collected in the highland areas of the Latakia
Governorate, which we visited as part of our organization's
reconciliation effort. I met with several families in the area.
They told me they had recognized their children in the videos
capturing the alleged victims of the chemical attack in East
Ghouta. A number of other families contacted us, asking us to
look into what was going on.
Beyond doubt, there are large international institutions that are
addressing this issue at the moment, but we would also like to
contribute in our own modest way, to the benefit of the people.
We have studied video footage from the scene. We have put
together our graphic evidence into a leaflet that we circulate.
We have looked through the first 35 videos of the incident that
were posted on the internet. We tried to identify the children we
had been told about in those videos. And as we looked closer at
those videos, there was a surprise. We found out that the videos
that the United States had held up as genuine evidence to indict
the Syrian government with having used chemical weapons on its
own civilians - those videos had actually been falsified.
Specifically, we studied videos One, Six, Eleven, and Thirteen.
RT:Do you make this argument based on your own
impressions, or do you have testimonies from witnesses confirming
that specific children in the videos do, in fact, come from the
families you have mentioned?
MA: First of all, there are family members who say they
have recognized their children. They pointed to specific videos
from Kfar Batna and Jobar. I cannot go into detail, because I
don't have permission from the families to mention names. So I'll
put it in general terms: as of now, we know that people have
recognized some of the children. In some cases, it was a mother
or a father who recognized their child in a video. In other
cases, it was an aunt or an uncle, or some other relative,
because some of the parents had been killed during the fighting,
as the insurgents advanced through the townships and villages of
Latakia. I cannot judge whether what those people say is true;
that would require a DNA test. As far as we are concerned, we are
trying to figure out why all those people would start claiming
they see familiar faces in those videos. We look specifically at
the footage selected by the Americans, and we see that it has
been supplemented with footage provided by Al Jazeera, or by one
of the coordination committees. We have 35 videos in our brief,
but there are about 200 to 230 videos in total, each different
from the others. They are peddled by a variety of sources - from
local coordination committees to NGOs to media organizations. As
we examined the videos, trying to identify the children in
question, we noticed signs suggesting this or that had been
staged and directed. For example, there is footage of a boy
receiving first aid. And then there is a different video where
you can see the same boy receiving first aid all over again, but
in a different setting. It is like a movie production, where
scenes are repeatedly edited and re-filmed. You shoot one scene,
you don't like it, so you alter the settings and you try again.

RT:Are you referring to videos circulated by American
MA: Exactly.
RT:What about the other side of the story? I mean the
Syrian government. It has also released videos, claiming the
footage depicts the victims of a sarin attack. Have you examined
MA: No. In fact, we are an independent group. We don't
work for anyone, we work on our own. We want to know the truth.
We are bringing up this issue in whatever format is available.
Today, we spoke to the UN Human Rights Council. Next, we plan to
address the International Red Cross Committee. We want to know
who those children are and where they come from. Those kids were
apparently moved between locations. That is, we see children in a
video presented as victims of a chemical attack in Jobar. And
then we see the same kids in a video out of Kfar-Batna, and they
are claimed to be kids from Kfar-Batna, and then, from Ain Terma.
We have seen one and the same boy ostensibly in agony in
different settings. Who are those children?
RT:The video footage we’re talking about was
circulated by the American media. But what can you say of the
tapes aired by Syria’s official TV channel and other Syrian
media? Have you been able to study them?
MA: We’ve seen the videos provided by the opposition,
which confirm that the incident took place in Eastern Guptah on
August 21, 2013. We decided to watch the tapes because people
told us they had recognized their kids in the footage. In fact,
we spent hundreds of hours studying the footage – it’s no easy
RT:Mother Agnes, sorry to interrupt you – but in the
beginning of the interview you said that you’d been investigating
cases of human rights abuse both by the government and the
opposition. Could you please give us some detail?
M A: Yes, sure. There is a report that has recently
been filed to the General Assembly. It is to be discussed
shortly. The Human Rights Violations Investigation Commission
keeps failing to get into Syria, claiming that they can’t get a
permit from the Syrian authorities. That’s why they cannot
collect first-hand reports of all the witnesses. Back in March we
cooperated with this commission, as well as the UN Human Rights
Commission headed by Navanethem Pillay, and the commissioner
herself said she wants to hold an investigation of her own.
We met in Lebanon and talked on the phone as well, and members of
the two commissions ended up asking us to find witnesses for
them. That proved a major challenge. People are too scared to
share any information because they think the militants might plot
revenge on them.
When we did eventually find the people who agreed to testify, our report got a much more complete look. Our previous report, for example, was about 60 percent more informative. Unfortunately, it was compiled at the time when many experts of the commissions were away on summer holidays. This is why we were unable to deliver the testimonies in due time. And that’s exactly when the killing spree near Latakia happened.
There are over 400 people on my list of the dead. These people
were brutally murdered – but the world media have been reluctant
to talk about that for some reason. They never even tried to
interview the survivors or the families of the victims. Their
excuse for such reluctance is that they believe those people who
died near Latakia were killed in hostilities rather than a
well-planned raid by the militants who specifically targeted
We always side with the victim. And whenever someone is subjected
to violence, the whole world needs to raise its voice. And we
will join in the chorus, too. In such circumstances it is
unacceptable to act selectively; one cannot speak about the
suffering of some people yet ignore the suffering of the others.
The world media have said very little, and rather half-heartedly,
about the casualties near Latakia.
It was our duty to stand up and speak out, to raise awareness of
this tragedy. So we hope to see the international commission in
Syria. With God’s help we sent an invitation to Ms. Carla del
Ponte to visit Syria. I’ve told the Human Rights Council in
Geneva that we would like everybody to get the big picture of
what is happening. Their report is so one-sided! It’s like
a book with half of the text missing.
RT:How did the council react to the report you had
submitted? Did it receive a response from the members of the
MA: Yes, it drew a wide response. Both Navanethem Pillay
and the investigators have shown a lot of enthusiasm since we
arrived in Geneva – they have shown a great interest in it. Every
time we come to Geneva they set up meetings. Mrs. Navanethem
Pillay presided over our latest meeting with the UN experts
personally, which is a great honor for us. The meeting was also
attended by a Nobel peace laureate, Mairead Maguire. Alfred de
Zayas – the UN expert on the promotion of a democratic and
equitable international order – was present at our meetings too,
and he sometimes chairs them.
On the request of the United Nations commission that investigates
human rights violations in Syria, we held a meeting with Alfred
de Zayas that lasted an hour and a half. An English expert from
an international conciliation committee participated in it, too.
They formulated their expectations in terms of their visit in
Syria and we, in our turn, expressed our concern that the
substance of their new report after they arrive in Syria might
not change at all. In response they tried to assure us they were
seeking to receive unbiased information. We think it would be
fair if the whole world learnt about sufferings of all the
victims. The world should know the life stories of all the
casualties because all those people were peaceful innocent
RT:Be it victims among the opposition or among the
government supporters?
MA: Sure. We are working for the best interests of the
Syrian people. I have been to all parts of the country, except
for northeastern Syria, but I plan to visit this region as well.
I got an invitation from there and I hope I will be able to go
there with God’s help.
We stand for the interests of the Syrian people with all its
ethnic and confessional diversity.
RT:The UN Secretary General now confirms that chemical
weapons have been used in Syria and describes it as a war crime.
His report indeed can make one shudder. How would you comment on
the report? What steps can your group take and why hasn’t the
guilty party been established yet?
MA: I have to say that I am not an expert. The experts of
the commission that came to Syria were highly professional. They
took necessary samples for testing and then confirmed that sarin
gas had been used. I have no doubt about it.
The Human Rights Committee has held meetings for three days in a
row starting the day before yesterday. The organization is
regarded as the major global authority on these issues. So is
that appropriate when representatives of some of the member
countries make sweeping accusations before even getting the
conclusion of the chemical weapons experts who are investigating
the case in Syria? We can’t bring charges until a comprehensive,
unbiased, independent investigation is over.
There are some incidents that I investigated myself. I want to
know who those dead kids we saw in a video on the internet, which
looked like it was some kind of a movie, were. The strangest
thing was that they showed a lot of victims but no pictures of a
mass funeral – we could only see burying of the eight of them.
But where are the rest? If they are alive, then it is good news,
and it means that the story has been fabricated. But if they are
dead, it is terrible. Every parent should know his kid’s
whereabouts – be it a parent from Latakia, Jobar or Kafr Batna.
No matter what ethnic group a parent belongs to, he should know
where his child is. Here are the photos in evidence: each victim
in these pictures is marked as “unidentified.” Is that possible
in the regions controlled by the rebels? They sustain the lives
of local civilians and are accountable for their security in
these territories. How come nobody recognized the children in the
photos? People in these regions know each other well.
RT:When the entire region is being shelled, whole
families may be killed. Children may lose their parents and
parents may lose their children. After a while, it can become
problematic to identify the victims. What can you say?
MA: It was not a bombardment with traditional ammunition –
it was a chemical attack. Hospitals say people were inside their
homes when the attack started. Most of them were sleeping. Given
that rescuers arrived there knowing exact addresses, how come the
casualties remain unidentified?
Another question – where are the parents of these children? I
carried out my own research of social relations in Syria and what
we were shown in the video runs counter to the realities of the
relations between the Syrian people – they know each other well.
At present we are searching for the parents of the children. They
might have been from Latakia, not Eastern Guta.
Right now, we are drawing up the lists of the killed children. We
demand that an investigation be held. Parents have the right to
know where their kids are. We ought to find these parents in case
a DNA test is needed. They are entitled to know the truth.
We see it as our crucial mission. Every parent must be
aware of what happened to their child, whether they are dead or
alive. I’m not sure if all the bodies on the footage were bodies
of dead children. Talking to the parents of those children is
quite an ordeal – but we have to do it. We have to go over each
of these tragedies to find the truth. Each tragedy is
all-important to me. And the whole thing took such a toll on us
that we haven’t had a wink of sleep in a very long time.
RT:Thank you very much for this interview. That was
Agnes Mariam el-Salib, Mother Superior of St. James Monastery,
speaking from Geneva.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.