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1 Aug, 2011 07:44

No place for 21 militia generals in new police

The Soviet-era militia is history now that Russia has completed the formation of its new police force. As of August 1, only those personnel who managed to pass tough re-qualification tests will administer the law in the Russian Federation.

According to Internal Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev, over 875,000 policemen, including 327 generals, passed the exams. However, more that 180 thousand candidates – as well as 21 generals – who failed the attestation, were declined further employment in the police, he told Rossiya-24 news channel. About 48 thousand policemen are yet to be dismissed in accordance with the police reform, which will constitute a 22 percent cut in staff. The reform – launched by President Dmiry Medvedev- is aimed at making police work more efficiently and transparently. The law, which provides for the rebranding of the militia into the police as well as structural changes, came into force on March 1. Meanwhile, over 20,000 former militia officers were offered jobs in different government bodies. “We understand perfectly well that some officers could have failed the re-qualification tests because of their age, health or some other reasons. But these are not discreditable grounds, and it is our duty to place them in another position,” Nurgaliyev said. Apart from their professional skills and knowledge of Russian law and the Constitution, the attestation commission took into account proved or suspected cases of corruption. Other attestation points included a polygraph, or lie detector, as well as a psychological test. “The re-qualification [process] has been completed. I suppose that officers who passed it can fulfill their specified duties and guard the rights and freedoms of our citizens, their lives and health,” the minister said.
