Communists propose Russia-led Eurasian unity vs. imperialist globalization

Leading Asian countries and Russia should unite in their efforts to counter-balance the “American-style globalization,” says the leader of Russian Communist Party (KPRF) Gennady Zyuganov.
Russia has historically been the centre of Eurasia, linking European and Asian civilizations, Zyuganov pointed out. “We propose to restore in a new shape the “Eurasian bridge” with the closest and most efficient cooperation between our peoples, countries and continents. Russia – which for millennia has been actively participating in the life of both Europe and Asia – is ready to fulfill its historic mission and be a link between the main centers of modern civilization in this most difficult moment of its development,” the KPRF chairman stated at the Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) in Baku, Azerbaijan. Capitalism is rotten: all its spheres from production and politics to culture and morality have been affected. A whole range of European countries are on the verge of bankruptcy, the Russian Communist leader observed, as cited on the KPRF official website. “After the collapse of the Soviet Union life on Earth has become a lot more difficult and dangerous,” Zyuganov stated. In recent years the world has seen numerous devastating bloody conflicts, including the recent unrest in the Middle East and North Africa. “The colonial strategy of the US and Western countries that depend on it put the humanity on the brink of a world war,” the Russian Communist leader believes. Imperialist countries have created institutions that help them to “govern the world”, such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization. “For those who resist ‘peaceful’ subjugation to the globalists there is NATO, an institution of military violence,” Zyuganov noted. However, the KPRF leader is confident that the resistance to “globalization American-style” is mounting.One of the new geopolitical trends is the shift of world economic center to the Asian-Pacific region. The Russian Communists believe that the maximum use of economic, scientific and cultural potential of Asian countries could help to solve global problems and ensure food, energy, military and economic security.Zyuganov also proposed forming a parliament for Asian union countries in the future. He believes it would give an additional impetus to the development of cooperation.