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11 Jul, 2015 11:53

Episode 080

Steve Norris is a renaissance man. He was a member of parliament for 14 years, held important ministerial positions under John Major and stood twice as the Tory candidate for Mayor of London. And, as a Liverpool contemporary of Paul McCartney, he even enthralled the Soviet era crowd with a piano recital. He never got as far as his talents should have taken him, so we are always delighted to welcome him back to Sputnik to hear what he has to say.
Although Greek democracy may have holed the euro below the Plimsoll line, the high priests of neo-liberal financial orthodoxy have still been putting the boot in – albeit the same high priests who think nothing of running off a few hundred billion in quantitative easing of an afternoon. Where will it all end? If Greece is forced out of the euro, the bankers will take a hell of a beating. If they are allowed to stay, a new wave of anti-austerity politics could sweep across Europe. Nobody knows better what's likely to happen next than the priest of unorthodoxy, Professor Steve Keen, who joins Sputnik this week.