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US and Russia to discuss Black Sea ceasefire – Washington | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
US and Russia to discuss Black Sea ceasefire – Washington | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Protests over post-vaccination deaths spread across South Korea
One of the most vaccinated nations on earth is seeing increased public pushback over Covid-19 jabs, as demonstrators in South Korea are demanding accountability for deaths that they blame on the shots.
Dec 26, 2021 19:09
Duterte makes decision on his future in politics
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte will run for senator in the general election of May 9. The decision was announced hours before the candidates’ registration deadline and follows months of media speculation.
Nov 15, 2021 11:09
Canada’s Trudeau calls snap election for September, seeking majority control of Parliament to push through Liberal Party bills
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has set the stage for an early national election on September 20, giving his Liberal Party a chance to seize control of Parliament and prevent conservatives from blocking its legislative agenda.
Aug 15, 2021 21:19
Western liberals are threatened by Hungary’s success, can’t accept ‘conservative national alternative,’ Orban tells Tucker Carlson
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban said his country is a target for criticism from the US and its Western European allies because the leftist ruling elite can’t tolerate living proof that a conservative, Christian nation can thrive.
Aug 6, 2021 21:03
Fresh from censoring select voices before and after US election, Twitter howls ‘HUMAN RIGHTS’ as Uganda shuts down social media
After banning the US president and other voices challenging Joe Biden’s election victory, Twitter is aghast that Uganda has shut down the social media conversation two days before voters there go to the polls.
Jan 12, 2021 23:15
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Police push RT reporter during protests in Istanbul (VIDEO)
The opposition CHP party has urged people to take to the streets in support of detained Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu
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US sets Easter target for Ukraine ceasefire deal – Bloomberg
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Ukrainian troops killed civilians and burned residential areas near Kursk – investigators
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You must welcome gay people – UN to Hungary
Ukrainian MP claims Zelensky tried to kill him
Broken promises and burned pipelines: Why diplomacy with Kiev is a dead end
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The Putin-Trump call was a resounding success – whatever was said
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The West lives in a simulation while Russia is shaping the real world
Trial by fire: Why the West won’t admit the truth about the 2014 Odessa massacre
Why a ceasefire in Ukraine is easier said than done
Meet the warmongers: This is where the EU’s military frenzy is coming from
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RT Features
Erdogan’s bane: The Turkish president’s most powerful rival is arrested. What now?
Drones over Russia: Is there an effective defense?
‘We owe them our peace’: How Moscow honors heroes of the Ukraine conflict
‘Diplomacy returns’: Russian experts on the Putin-Trump call
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