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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
World News
RT Features
Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin met with Trump envoy – Kremlin
Japan to assist Bill Gates in building experimental nuclear reactor
Two Japanese industrial majors are reportedly planning to team up with Bill Gates’ venture company to provide technical support for a high-tech nuclear reactor that will be built in the US state of Wyoming.
Jan 1, 2022 12:31
Is this the most bizarrely effective free-kick routine ever? (VIDEO)
Some footballers are often accused of playacting in the box but one Japanese high school took that to the extreme when they scored a goal with one of the more unique set piece routines you'll ever see.
Dec 29, 2021 18:35
Omicron forces cancelation of ISU Grand Prix Final in Japan
The International Skating Union (ISU) has canceled its Grand Prix Final in Osaka, Japan, after being informed by local organizers that the event could not go ahead as planned.
Dec 2, 2021 08:33
Motors for medals: Russia’s Olympic prizewinners to be rewarded with fleet of brand new cars at official Kremlin ceremony
Russia's successful Olympic athletes, who competed in the Tokyo Games under the Team ROC banner, will be presented with new cars this weekend to herald their achievements in Japan.
Sep 9, 2021 08:34
Teenage kicks: 13-year-old Japanese sensation Momiji Nishiya wins first-ever women’s Olympic skateboard gold
Japanese star Momiji Nishiya made history by scooping the first-ever women’s skateboard gold medal at the Olympic Games as the 13-year took the title in Tokyo ahead of teenage rival Rayssa Leal of Brazil.
Jul 26, 2021 05:40
'Cancel the Olympics': Protesters take to Tokyo streets as Olympic Opening Ceremony gets underway
Protesters have taken to the streets of Tokyo to voice their anger at the Olympic Games, which formally open in the Japanese capital on Friday.
Jul 23, 2021 11:44
‘Like medieval Japan’: Tokyo 2020 officials respond to Russian complaints about Olympic living conditions
Organizers in Tokyo have responded to complaints about a supposed lack of comfort at the accommodation in the Olympic Village, which one member of the Russian team is said to have likened to “medieval Japan.”
Jul 22, 2021 10:51
Bear with us: Olympic security ‘on alert’ as brown bear spotted ‘on the loose’ near softball stadium just hours before first game
If the dangers of Covid-19 weren't enough to have Olympians keep their guard up ahead of this summer's event in Tokyo, mother nature may have something else in store after a brown bear was spotted at the Olympic softball venue.
Jul 21, 2021 14:36
Games OVER? Tokyo chief refuses to rule out LAST-MINUTE CANCELATION of Covid-hit Olympics
The Olympic Games are due to formally get underway on Friday but the CEO of the Tokyo 2020 organizing committee has not ruled out scrapping the sporting showpiece due to Covid numbers.
Jul 20, 2021 11:55
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Moscow targeted in new Ukrainian drone raid – mayor
Kiev’s latest attack comes after a US envoy’s visit to discuss ceasefire talks proposed by Washington
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Trump allows waiver for Biden-era Russia sanctions to expire – media
Putin lists guarantees Moscow wants for 30-day ceasefire
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‘A ceasefire only benefits those who are retreating’: Russia’s top foreign relations experts and actors react to US-Ukraine talks
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