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Battle of Kursk: How Russian soldiers crushed Ukrainian defenses in Sudzha | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
Battle of Kursk: How Russian soldiers crushed Ukrainian defenses in Sudzha | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Olympic queen Biles urges US Congress to axe Olympic board after accusing FBI of ‘turning a blind eye’ to sexual abuse allegations
Olympic champions including Simone Biles have made calls for Congress to disband the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee’s board of directors via a letter sent to a pair of senators amid a gymnastics sexual abuse scandal.
Oct 14, 2021 16:44
XR protests outside prison after double Paralympic champ is jailed for a year for supergluing hand to plane roof in climate stunt
Extinction Rebellion organizers have claimed that "history will vindicate" a Paralympic hero after he was sentenced to a year in jail for holding up a flight in a climate protest stunt in the UK.
Sep 26, 2021 19:20
‘Not in there!’ Putin declines unusual passport signature request from Russian Paralympic star
Russian President Vladimir Putin has refused an unusual request from a double gold medal-winning champion at the recent Tokyo 2020 Paralympic games, after the compatriot athlete asked him to sign his passport.
Sep 14, 2021 15:15
‘That’s his business’: Russian record-breaker reacts after Ukrainian reportedly snubs photo beside him on Paralympics podium again
After winning another Paralympics final, double-gold Russian athlete Dmitry Safronov has said he shows his patriotism in gold medals after his Ukrainian rival reportedly refused to be photographed on the podium next to him again.
Sep 4, 2021 15:14
‘He will remain a champion’: Ukrainian ambassador tries to calm outrage after athlete loses gold... because he was 3 minutes late
A Ukrainian ambassador has stepped in to an international row by hailing an athlete who was beaten to gold by one of his country's Paralympic stars – because he was three minutes late to a roll call.
Sep 2, 2021 16:52
Japanese Paralympics cops under fire after reportedly ‘getting drunk, brawling with locals and visiting a brothel’
Around 40 Japanese police officers dispatched to Tokyo to safeguard the Paralympics have been sent home after allegedly getting drunk, engaging in fights with locals and visiting a brothel, according to reports.
Sep 1, 2021 13:30
Hossain Rasouli: Afghan Paralympian landmine victim competes in Tokyo after evacuation from Kabul amid Taliban takeover
One of the two Afghan Paralympic athletes who escaped Kabul in the midst of the Taliban takeover has made an appearance in Tokyo, competing in Tuesday’s long-jump event.
Aug 31, 2021 16:28
Keeping his distance: Wary Ukrainian Paralympian SNUBS Russian rivals on podium following military backlash against high jumper
Ukrainian Paralympian Ihor Tsvietov has caused a stir at the 2020 Games in Tokyo by refusing to join his Russian sprint rivals for a photo on the medal podium, following a backlash against a high jumper earlier this month.
Aug 30, 2021 18:43
Delivering gold: Star who funded Paralympics trip with food courier job storms to world record glory before anthem farce (VIDEO)
A cyclist with artificial limbs who paid his way to the Paralympics by working as a food courier has won gold and smashed the world record – only to cop a fiasco with the Russian athletes’ anthem after he received his medal.
Aug 26, 2021 15:38
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RT Features
The battle for Kursk: How Russian soldiers crushed Ukrainian defenses in Sudzha
‘A ceasefire only benefits those who are retreating’: Russia’s top foreign relations experts and actors react to US-Ukraine talks
Sergey Karaganov: Russia must not fall into Trump’s ‘honey trap’
‘We burst out unexpectedly, like demons’: How Russia’s ‘pipeline operation’ crushed Ukrainian defenses in Kursk
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