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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia's biggest MMA promotion ACA announces plan to host four events this summer, starting with July 11 showdown
Grozny-based MMA promotion ACA (Absolute Championship Akhmat), formerly known as ACB, has announced its plan to conduct Russia's first mixed martial arts event since the Covid-19 lockdown, on July 11.
May 29, 2020 17:42
MMA MURDER-for-hire? Top Russian coach arrested on suspicion of organizing CONTRACT KILLING
Russian MMA coach Vladimir Osiya, trainer of middleweight standout Magomed Ismailov, has been arrested on suspicion of organizing the murder-for-hire slaying of a shopping center boss, according to multiple reports in Russia.
May 27, 2020 13:41
Russian cops bust banned radical Islamist group Tablighi Jamaat's 'training camp,' detain leaders & participants
Seven members of a hardline Islamic organization were arrested in Moscow on Wednesday, according to the Federal Security Service (FSB). They are charged with disseminating extremist propaganda and trying to recruit new supporters.
Feb 19, 2020 17:06
Top judge says Russia shouldn't be considered successor of 'repressive, terrorist, illegal' Soviet Union, Kremlin disagrees
If you want to find a way to split Russian public opinion, there's no better instrument than a debate on the country's Soviet legacy. On Monday, sparks flew after a leading judge opened Moscow's most divisive Pandora's Box.
Feb 17, 2020 16:23
'Just Free Prostitutes:’ Controversial Russian priest equates ‘common-law wives’ to unpaid sex workers
A senior Russian clergyman has come under fire after he publicly compared unmarried women cohabiting with partners to ‘ladies of the night.’ Despite predictable outrage, Dmitry Smirnov is in no mood to back down.
Feb 17, 2020 13:55
Not a tease: Russia faces sex-toy shortage if coronavirus continues to spread
Russians may be hard-up for good vibrations unless the new Chinese coronavirus is soon taken under control. That’s according to the founder of the chain of erotic stores ‘Pink Rabbit’.
Feb 13, 2020 15:03
Sad face emoji? US social media giants Facebook & Twitter fined by Moscow court as server location impasse intensifies
Facebook and Twitter were each fined four million rubles ($62,900) by a Moscow court on Thursday. It marks an escalation in a standoff between the American social media giants and Russian regulators.
Feb 13, 2020 14:21
Surkov & Bogdan out: Russia & Ukraine announce new negotiators as relations slowly thaw
For two decades he has been a big beast on the Moscow political stage, but the Kremlin has finally confirmed that Vladislav Surkov is no longer Russia's point man in Ukraine.
Feb 11, 2020 16:15
Russia was second-biggest energy exporter to US in Autumn 2019, volumes hit 8-year high
Given the dire state of Russia-US political relations, and Washington's steadfast defense of its alliance with Saudi Arabia, it seems almost unbelievable that Moscow sends more energy exports America's way than Riyadh.
Feb 6, 2020 13:55
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Indian journalist calls out global media bias on Ukraine
After reporting for months from Donbass, TV9 editor Manish Jha shared his perspective of covering the conflict with RT
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