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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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RT Features
Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Ruth Bader Ginsburg announces cancer recurrence, says she will remain on the US Supreme Court at ‘full steam’
Liberal US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has revealed she is undergoing chemotherapy for the recurrence of her cancer, but she insists she will remain on the court throughout her treatment.
Jul 17, 2020 17:35
Scrap the anthem? Allow kneeling? US sports are heading for one ALMIGHTY row in the wake of George Floyd's death
Following George Floyd's death, US sport is rumbling toward an increasingly inevitable row about how his memory should be honored.
Jun 8, 2020 17:54
NFL boss says 'we were wrong' over stance on player protests – but Trump yells 'NO KNEELING'
The NFL is on an apparent collision course with President Donald Trump after commissioner Roger Goodell said the league "was wrong for not listening to players earlier" in the row over protests against racial inequality in the US.
Jun 6, 2020 10:00
'I'm ready to meet them': US-based Russian figure skater says he'll use BASEBALL BAT to defend home from looters
Russian figure skater Alexei Krasnozhon, who competes for the US, has spoken out against the violence happening during the ongoing protests in the country, saying he is ready to protect his home from looters with a "baseball bat."
Jun 2, 2020 13:48
US ice hockey rocked by child sex abuse claims as sport becomes latest in sorry saga
The world of US sport has been left stunned by a string of scandals after hundreds of elite athletes came forward to reveal they were sexually abused by coaches, senior team members or doctors when they were children.
May 29, 2020 13:36
‘Do I really come across as an ESCORT?’ Russian long jumper Daria Klishina reveals offer to become CALL GIRL in US
World silver medalist long jumper Daria Klishina has revealed she received an offer to become an escort in the US, saying she was shocked by the proposal from a man on Instagram.
May 13, 2020 13:25
Russia was second-biggest energy exporter to US in Autumn 2019, volumes hit 8-year high
Given the dire state of Russia-US political relations, and Washington's steadfast defense of its alliance with Saudi Arabia, it seems almost unbelievable that Moscow sends more energy exports America's way than Riyadh.
Feb 6, 2020 13:55
Stop using Russia as chief ‘bogeyman’, let’s normalize relations – Putin spokesman to US politicians
After a few years of ‘Russiagate’, which bizarrely mutated into a Ukraine-inspired impeachment trial, now that Donald Trump has been declared ‘not guilty’ by the Senate, the Kremlin would like to move on.
Feb 6, 2020 13:29
Super Bowl commercials: Check out 25 of the best ads aired during Super Bowl LIV
Check out the best of the ads aired during Super Bowl LIV this weekend as we recap 25 of the most notable commercials aired during the 2020 Super Bowl between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers in Miami.
Feb 3, 2020 09:57
Top stories
UK and France key to Kiev’s latest attack on Russian energy infrastructure – Moscow
British specialists set coordinates for a Ukrainian missile system that struck a gas metering station, the Foreign Ministry has said
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Kiev again violated US-backed energy ceasefire – Moscow (VIDEO)
EU exhibiting double standards on ICC warrants – expert
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Türkiye open to backing revival of Black Sea Grain Initiative – Kremlin
White House cuts off funding for White Helmets – CNN
Russia and China to unveil joint film production plan – minister
Korean electronics giant confirms ‘test restart’ of Russian plant
Signal war plans leak: Bombing people is OK, talking about it is not
Donald Trump is the furthest thing from the ‘fascist’ his enemies brand him
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Something needs to be done to save Germany. €1 trillion of debt is not it
Team Macron’s new pitch: Jihadists are just Russians in disguise
Broken promises and burned pipelines: Why diplomacy with Kiev is a dead end
Boosting firepower: India shifts towards private defense manufacturing
The Putin-Trump call was a resounding success – whatever was said
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‘They listened carefully’: Russian senator offers a glimpse into talks with US
‘We rightfully own this land’: Gaza’s residents on Trump’s proposed exodus
‘My husband was killed in front of my eyes’: Elderly survivors recall crimes of Ukrainian occupation in Kursk Region
From Soviet classrooms to presidential palaces: How the USSR educated African leaders
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