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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin urges Kiev to order troops in Kursk Region to surrender
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37 results
US food banks strain under increased demand – media
Soaring food costs drive more Americans onto breadlines
Jul 30, 2022 10:00
Divine intervention or the right connections? Roman Catholic Church received $3 BILLION in US taxpayer-funded Covid-19 aid
More than 200 Catholic dioceses received billions in funding from the Paycheck Protection Program, the taxpayer-backed rescue fund for bailing out businesses dying of Covid-19 shutdowns – reportedly more than any other applicant.
Feb 4, 2021 16:32
Lee Camp: Housing is human right and US has homes & money to provide it. But it spends billions bailing out industries & banks
America is not based on hard work. Get it out of your head that this society is set up to be fair. Fair would be everyone with a roof over their head.
Aug 4, 2020 13:40
PepsiCo dropping 131-year-old ‘Aunt Jemima’ pancake branding over ‘racist stereotype’
PepsiCo has said it will drop its ‘Aunt Jemina’ syrup and pancake mix branding, in use since 1889, which it said was “based on a racial stereotype,” prompting both complaints and celebration on social media.
Jun 17, 2020 14:33
Warlords and... soy shortages? For Antifa anarchists in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, revolution ain’t easy
Activists who established a commune around an abandoned police precinct in Seattle are finding out the hard way it’s not easy to run a revolution, dealing with food supply issues, internal squabbling and even a wannabe strongman.
Jun 11, 2020 03:49
With economic crisis looming EU overlords legalize food made from worms & baby crickets. Are they going to serve that in Brussels?
Brussels plans to drop rules preventing some countries from serving up insects and worms for human consumption. I know that getting a food delivery is tough at the moment, but are we really desperate to swap crisps for crickets?
Apr 5, 2020 06:59
Coronavirus calls US’ ‘world's richest country’ bluff: Will it cling to busted myths or evolve under pressure?
The coronavirus containment measures the US has (belatedly, reluctantly) taken are revealing enormous fissures in its first-world facade, from legions of hungry schoolchildren to their broke parents left to fend for themselves.
Mar 16, 2020 20:32
Some Flint families not eligible for state food assistance supplement
A Michigan assistance program designed to help Flint families affected by the lead contamination crisis won’t include those families that fled the city during the height of the contamination, according to authorities.
May 15, 2017 21:21
High fliers: Mega rich get their own private terminal at LAX (PHOTOS)
The ultra wealthy no longer have to mix with the ordinary folk at Los Angeles International Airport, thanks to a new $22 million private terminal that shows the rich really do live in a parallel world.
May 14, 2017 20:17
Hunger drives US teens to swap sex for food, commit crimes – research
Hunger is driving desperate US teenagers as young as 13 to search for ways to feed themselves and their families, with many resorting to crime or providing sexual favors in exchange for food and basic supplies, according to a study published Monday.
Sep 12, 2016 16:19
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