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Battle of Kursk: How Russian soldiers crushed Ukrainian defenses in Sudzha | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Battle of Kursk: How Russian soldiers crushed Ukrainian defenses in Sudzha | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD
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RT Features
15 results
Google Play freezes payments to Russian app developers
The US-based tech giant had previously stripped entities and individuals from the country of several other monetization tools
Dec 13, 2024 09:25
Russians warned to back up Google data
The Alphabet subsidiary has restricted the creation of new accounts in the country, according to Moscow’s digital ministry
Sep 26, 2024 12:42
‘Huge middle finger’: YouTube tells foreign creators they will soon be charged AMERICAN tax
YouTube has told its content creators and partners that they need to prepare for paying US taxes on their earnings – even if they live and work elsewhere. The already beleaguered video creators are taking it poorly.
Mar 9, 2021 22:01
Google services back online after global outages of Gmail, YouTube & others prompt panic
For almost an hour, users across the world reported that Google services were not working for them. The company's main product, Google Search, appeared to be unaffected. The problem now appears to have been fixed.
Dec 14, 2020 12:05
‘Hold your nose and look for hate speech’ – Breitbart says Google tried to slash its ad revenue
Leaked emails purportedly show that Google officials plotted to choke conservative news site Breitbart of advertising revenue, by combing the site for evidence of “hate speech” and “fake news.”
Dec 10, 2018 20:48
EU slaps Google with record $5 billion fine for antitrust violations
European regulators have hit Google with a €4.3 billion ($5 billion) antitrust fine for abusing the dominance of its Android mobile operating system. It's the highest anti-competition penalty ever imposed on a company by the EU.
Jul 18, 2018 11:03
‘Modern censorship: Google decides RT is propaganda, yet millions disagree’
I don’t believe it is acceptable that a bunch of politically correct, Democratic-party supporting people sitting in Silicon Valley should decide what people should or should not hear, says media consultant Neil Wallis.
Nov 21, 2017 16:45
Google slammed over pressuring foundation, reporters
Another journalist has joined the ranks of those speaking out about Google squelching content it disapproves of. The tech giant has been fined by the European Union for monopolist practices, while the US government is probing its labor practices.
Sep 1, 2017 21:37
Google, Facebook purge fake news sites
Under increased scrutiny for supporting the spread of false and misleading news, Google and Facebook are taking steps to purge networks of several hundred fake news sites.
Jan 25, 2017 22:29
Google & Facebook to target fake news sites by harshening ads policies
In an effort to halt the spread of “fake news,” Google and Facebook said they are changing their advertising policies. It comes after both companies were slammed over allowing false information to be disseminated during the US presidential election.
Nov 15, 2016 22:10
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