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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Mending Russia–US ties, EU undermining Trump, and Ukraine–Greenland parallels: Key points from Lavrov interview
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49 results
Silk Way Rally revs up in Siberia
Participants in the legendary off-road race will have to cover more than 3,000 miles of extremely challenging terrain
Jul 5, 2024 17:00
Twitter auctions office furniture
The company is shedding chairs, tables, bird statues, and giant ‘@’ planters in an office-wide sale
Dec 12, 2022 17:51
Co-founder of legendary energy drink dies
Dietrich Mateschitz, Austria’s richest man and the person behind Red Bull, passed away on Saturday
Oct 23, 2022 09:52
Why Scotland is the worst possible host for COP26
I’m a Scottish comedian in Glasgow for COP26, and even I couldn’t take the piss as much as these climate change jokers. Every aspect of it is burning tonnes of fossil fuels, and Scotland has a dismal environmental record anyway.
Nov 9, 2021 12:50
Dutch BMX ace collides with hapless Olympic official who strayed onto track – and star now faces fitness battle to compete (VIDEO)
The Dutch team has been involved in another fiasco as ex-BMX world champion Niek Kimmann crashed into an official on a training run at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, with footage of the incident going viral.
Jul 27, 2021 09:40
Australian teen triathlete star Alexa Leary fighting for life in induced coma after horror bicycle crash
Australian 19-year-old triathlete Alexa Leary has been left in an induced coma and is now fighting for her life after suffering a horror accident during her usual bike ride on the Sunshine Coast this past weekend.
Jul 21, 2021 12:19
Kham to Chechnya: UFC’s Chimaev chills with leader Kadyrov and MMA fighters in his homeland... and eyes another luxury car (VIDEO)
UFC powerhouse Khamzat Chimaev has enjoyed a novel pursuit in between intense training sessions for his long-awaited comeback: relaxing with Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, a shiny new sports car and MMA fighters on a day trip.
May 20, 2021 17:44
‘Mind-boggling’: AOC slams Republicans, says they’d be left ‘crying’ if they had to do her past waitressing work
Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is receiving pushback for rage-tweeting Republicans about their lack of work experience compared to her bartender past, as well as their supposed misunderstanding of college debt due to their age.
Dec 5, 2020 17:56
Tour de France: Prodigy Pogacar set to become youngest champ in 110 YEARS as he earns shock win in showdown of Slovenians (VIDEO)
Stunned newcomer Tadej Pogacar is poised to seal the Tour de France title after an astonishing turnaround against heavy favorite Primoz Roglic, destroying a 57-second deficit to leave his fellow Slovenian trailing in his wake.
Sep 19, 2020 17:32
Golden boy no more: As an election looms, two-faced Justin Trudeau has betrayed Canada
Justin Trudeau rode to power four years ago on a wave of progressive enthusiasm. With an Obama-like ‘hope and change-y’ vibe, plenty of social media savvy and an almost cult-like following, he was more a brand than a politician.
Oct 7, 2019 13:40
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