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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin supports Ukraine conflict ceasefire as US envoy visits Moscow: LIVE UPDATES
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Humanitarian flights for Ukraine loaded with weapons, protesting airport workers claim
Airport workers in Italy claim “humanitarian” cargo from Pisa was actually aimed at fuelling the conflict
Mar 15, 2022 21:20
Microsoft is making it easier for employers across the world to spy on staff
Two quietly announced Microsoft 365 updates have huge implications for employees of many organizations – and will go a long way to preventing leaks of damaging material, even in cases of serious criminal conduct.
Nov 9, 2021 13:37
‘Everything is an illusion’? Nashville bomber spoke of ‘ALIEN attacks,’ 9/11 & ‘reptilians changing human DNA’ in bizarre letters
Days before blowing himself up, the Nashville Christmas bomber penned lengthy messages to “acquaintances” speaking of “alien attacks,” a faked moon landing and DNA experiments by “lizard people,” among other conspiracy theories.
Jan 5, 2021 03:02
Ex-US Marine Whelan convicted of espionage in Russia changes jail as Moscow says US not interested in swap
Paul Whelan, imprisoned in Russia on spy charges, will serve his sentence in Russia’s Republic of Mordovia, about 500km east of Moscow. It had been rumored he was likely to be swapped with the US for Russians.
Aug 4, 2020 14:49
Despite speculation, Russia and US are NOT negotiating spy swap for Paul Whelan – senior Russian diplomat
Moscow and Washington are not discussing a potential prisoner swap involving Paul Whelan - a former US marine, with multiple citizenships - convicted of espionage, according to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.
Jul 4, 2020 17:28
Ex-US Marine Paul Whelan, convicted of spying in Russia, will not appeal sentence - lawyer says he may be exchanged
A week after he was handed a 16-year prison sentence for espionage in Russia, Paul Whelan has reportedly confirmed that he won't appeal the verdict. His lawyer says he will now decide whether to ask for clemency.
Jun 23, 2020 08:46
Russian court finds ex-US marine Paul Whelan guilty of espionage, sentences him to 16 years in prison
Eighteen months after he was arrested in a Moscow hotel room and accusing of spying, a Russian court has handed down a 16 year jail term to Paul Whelan, a national of four western countries: Canada, Ireland, the US and the UK.
Jun 15, 2020 11:21
Russian prosecutors seek 18-year sentence for ex-US marine accused of espionage
Russian prosecutors demanded an 18-year prison term for former US marine Paul Whelan, on charges of spying for Western intelligence, on the last day of his trial in Moscow.
May 25, 2020 13:42
Accused US spy Whelan tracked since first Russia visit, built contacts using autographed book of disgraced KGB officer – reports
Paul Whelan, a former US marine currently waiting for trial in Russia on espionage charges became a person of interest for Russian counter-intelligence as early as his first visit in 2007, the daily Kommersant claims.
Nov 17, 2019 12:59
How Assange & RT meddled in 2016, according to CNN’s ‘possibilities,’ innuendo & lies
CNN has released a new ‘exclusive’ report, accusing Julian Assange of conspiring with ‘the Russians’ (including RT) to meddle in the 2016 US election – again.
Jul 16, 2019 02:46
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