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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Father and son killed after US graduation ceremony
The nation’s latest mass shooting has left two people dead and five injured in Virginia’s capital city
Jun 7, 2023 18:43
FBI calls off targeting of ‘radical-traditionalist Catholics’ – media
The top US law enforcement has disavowed a report by one of its field offices linking the religion to violent extremism
Feb 9, 2023 22:09
US governor sued over school mask mandate ban
Virginia school districts are suing Governor Glenn Youngkin for giving parents a choice over whether their children wear masks
Jan 24, 2022 22:37
A final stand against Donald Trump, or Republicans’ finest hour? Why Virginia’s election is a referendum on America’s future
The race for the governorship of the Old Dominion state was supposed to be a shoo-in for the Democrats, but it’s now neck-and-neck, with some predicting a Republican victory which would have huge ramifications for Joe Biden.
Nov 1, 2021 19:30
Satanic or satire? US school preaches 'cannibalism,' yet concerned parents are the ones branded as ‘domestic terrorists’
As further evidence that the US school system has lost the plot, students in Georgia were instructed to consider ‘eating babies’ as a way of solving world hunger. How much more depraved does it have to get before people wake up?
Oct 18, 2021 18:00
Virginia fears Afghanistan evacuees may have exposed locals to MEASLES, but says high vaccination rate means no reason for panic
The Virginia Department of Health says it is reaching out to people potentially exposed to measles by at least five evacuees from Afghanistan over the past week, at the Dulles airport, Fort Pickett, and a Richmond area hospital.
Sep 14, 2021 22:46
With General Lee statue removed, Virginia officials bury SUPER-WOKE time capsule under its base
“War hero” or “racist” traitor, Virginia’s removal of a giant statue of Robert E. Lee was a controversial move. But the time capsule to be buried under it – full of BLM and LGBT memorabilia – is sure to stoke further division.
Sep 8, 2021 23:42
‘US obliterating what little history they had’: Toppling of Gen. Robert E. Lee’s statue polarizes Americans
Tempers were running high on Twitter as the towering statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee was torn down in Virginia on Wednesday, a year after plans to remove the monument were announced in the wake of George Floyd’s murder.
Sep 8, 2021 18:50
WATCH Massive Robert E. Lee statue dismantled in Richmond after Virginia's Supreme Court greenlit removal
A 12-ton statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee, the largest remaining Confederate monument, has been taken down in Richmond. The removal was ordered by Democrat Governor Ralph Northam last year, triggering a bitter court battle.
Sep 8, 2021 14:10
Robert E. Lee helped end the first American Civil War, and those seeking to erase him are leading the US into another
That the Virginia governor caught wearing either KKK robes or blackface has now removed a monument to Robert E. Lee is perhaps the most ironic twist in modern America’s Year Zero obsession with erasing its history and heritage.
Sep 8, 2021 13:22
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