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Putin praises troops behind daring ‘pipeline operation’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin praises troops behind daring ‘pipeline operation’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD
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By kowtowing to the Wokies and rewriting her memoir to remove ‘racist’ words, Kate Clanchy has defamed the noble craft of writing
The author’s capitulated to the mob by agreeing that her descriptions of ‘chocolate coloured’ children and ‘odd’ autistic pupils are offensive. They may be, but only for being banal and unimaginative.
Aug 14, 2021 08:57
CrossTalk Bullhorns, QUARANTINE EDITION: The COVID era
2020 has been a year like no other. How has the Covid crisis changed our lives? How will it continue to shape our lives moving forward? What have we lost? What are the things and ideas that may never return? CrossTalking with Marcus Papadopoulos,...
Dec 28, 2020 06:53
CrossTalk Bullhorns, QUARANTINE EDITION: The Covid era
2020 has been a year like no other. How has the Covid crisis changed our lives? How will it continue to shape our lives moving forward? What have we lost? What are the things and ideas that may never return? CrossTalking with Marcus Papadopoulos,...
Dec 28, 2020 06:52
Foxy fascists? CNN report on ‘racist’ eye makeup leads to mass eye rolling
‘Fox Eyes’ are so hot right now, as women seek to ape the almond-shaped eyes of their favorite influencers. However, CNN has stepped in to ruin the party, declaring the practice “racist” and “cultural appropriation.”
Aug 11, 2020 15:07
'Russia practically mediating between NATO members US & Turkey over Syria'
The Russians wouldn’t want the Turks to choose between Russia and the US; they’d want to bring the US on their side to have a bigger coalition so that instead of competing they could collaborate, said political analyst and Middle East expert Ammar Waqqaf.
Mar 7, 2017 15:56
ESA historic Rosetta mission on course to first-ever comet touchdown
A lander from the European Space Agency's Rosetta space mission is on course to descend and harpoon itself to the Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet. It has been chasing the space wanderer through the solar system for more than 10 years.
Nov 11, 2014 18:50
'Beemageddon' delayed: Bumblebee reemergence puzzles scientists
A disappearing North American bumblebee species has reemerged in Washington state, stunning scientists and conservationists who long feared that “Beemageddon” would cause the collapse of the agriculture industry.
Jul 23, 2013 20:48
‘Strange bedfellows’: Turkey and Israel playing precarious game for regional dominance
If the reports of Israel carrying out a strike on Syria through Turkey are true it is tantamount to an act of war, journalist James Corbett told RT. Such a revelation has the potential to topple the Turkish regime that already stands on a knife edge.
Jul 15, 2013 18:58
'Beemageddon' threatens US with food disaster
US honey bees have been dying by the tens of millions, with annual death rates of about 30 percent. With fewer bees to pollinate fruits and vegetables each year, 'beemageddon' may soon cause the collapse of the agriculture industry.
May 7, 2013 15:51
Cairo carnage: Shock footage shows cop atrocities
Riot police are spreading tear gas and firing rubber bullets as the crowd of stone-throwing protesters at Egypt’s Tahrir Square begins to swell. RT’s Paula Slier reports from Cairo that the situation on the ground remains extremely tense.
Nov 21, 2011 09:03
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