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Putin calls on Ukrainian troops encircled near Kursk to surrender | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin calls on Ukrainian troops encircled near Kursk to surrender | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
12 results
‘America is back’: READ Trump’s address to Congress (FULL VERSION)
The US president has outlined the key policy changes, economic strategies, and foreign policy objectives for his second term
Mar 5, 2025 21:03
This great Russian artist found peace in the Himalayas. Today, his home is surrounded by destruction and chaos
Nicholas Roerich found nirvana by building a house with a perfect view of the Himalayas, constructing it using age-old Himachali techniques. Despite the recent floods, it has literally stood the test of time
Sep 13, 2023 03:35
US gaming juggernauts stop sales in Russia
Activision Blizzard & EA have linked the move to the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine
Mar 5, 2022 08:13
By changing the color and shape of food it's possible to change its flavor – experimentalist chef
Crispy lettuce, an airy soufflé and blood-red oranges – it turns out that enjoying the food we eat is not only a matter of taste. How does flavor find its way from the tongue to the brain? And how can it be manipulated? We talked to...
Sep 17, 2021 04:37
On Contact: The corporatization of science
On the show, Chris Hedges discusses the corporatization and corruption of American science with the author Clifford D. Conner. Science in the United States almost exclusively serves the interests of corporate and military power. Science historian...
Sep 5, 2021 06:16
On Contact: Is it food? NYU’s Marion Nestle
Host Chris Hedges talks to Marion Nestle, New York University professor of nutrition, on how food companies distort the science and research into what we eat. In her book ‘Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew The Science Of What We...
Oct 20, 2019 07:31
Everyone has fallen for the lies about Venezuela (by Lee Camp)
Socialism, ditching the dollar, and having natural resources are the three crimes that usually provoke the US into overthrowing a foreign government. And these are the reasons it’s backing the coup in Venezuela.
Feb 22, 2019 14:05
Wax diabetic? Brunch-flavored candy corn is here as Halloween spooks store shelves early
Ah, brunch. The meal that is really just an excuse to eat heavy foods that will weigh you down for the weekend. But who hasn’t realized the only way it could be better was if it made out of high fructose corn syrup and wax? Well, there’s good news, friends!
Sep 10, 2016 03:34
Knight Rider-inspired: ‘Real life KITT’ electric super sedan unveiled in China
All-electric super sedan Youxia X taking after the artificially-intelligent car KITT from the ’80s American TV show ‘Knight Rider’ is looking to become a worthy competitor to the upcoming Tesla Model 3.
Jul 28, 2015 11:48
Colorado police worried pot candy will ruin Halloween treats
The American tradition of Halloween trick-or-treating is rife with urban myths about children being handed poisoned chocolates or razor blade-laced apples. This year, Denver police are worried about a new form of candy corruption: marijuana.
Oct 17, 2014 23:08
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