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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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39 results
‘I looked like a crackhead’: Bare knuckle’s Ostovich ravenous after leaving very little to imagination in VanZant face-off (VIDEO)
Ahead of her shot at revenge for her UFC defeat against fellow ex-MMA star Paige VanZant, Rachael Ostovich has celebrated being able to eat bread again after looking trim in a weigh-in and face-off against her abs-wielding rival.
Jul 23, 2021 10:59
With soaring rates of obesity and diabetes, the West is paying a high price for colonialism
Chronic levels of sugar-related diabetes have blighted the Caribbean for years due to slavery. Now the UK and US are experiencing the pain it causes – which makes Britain’s apparent rejection of a fat tax all the more surprising.
Jul 18, 2021 08:00
Study shows humans can reduce their biological age by three years in just eight WEEKS
In a first-of-its-kind, peer-reviewed study, researchers have turned back the biological clock in 43 healthy adult males, by up to three years and over just eight weeks, through diet, sleep, exercise and relaxation interventions.
May 28, 2021 13:10
‘He didn’t show it until he was rich’: ‘Cringe’ Conor McGregor has ‘lost his marbles’, says UFC’s Mike Perry before tribute to DMX
UFC star Mike Perry has been in typically provocative mood ahead of his fight against Daniel Rodriguez at UFC Fight Night on Saturday, savagely mocking Conor McGregor while admitting that "all fighters are crazy" and honoring DMX.
Apr 10, 2021 13:09
A low-fat, high-carb diet has been the largest public health experiment in history. As the world gets ever fatter, we MUST rethink
New research suggests that four billion people globally will be overweight in 2050. This trend can be traced back to the ‘low-fat, high-carb’ guidelines first issued in the 70s, and should prompt a major U-turn on dietary advice.
Nov 25, 2020 07:56
Deprescribe the world! New study shows low-carb diets would save BILLIONS currently wasted on drugs. But will Big Pharma allow it?
The work of a British family doctor demonstrates that stopping eating carbohydrates helps with blood pressure, diabetes and weight loss - helping save lives during Covid-19. But the medical industry doesn’t want you to know this.
Nov 3, 2020 06:54
Moscow protest leader Navalny admitted to hospital in Berlin after being airlifted from Siberia
Russia's best known anti-corruption activist Alexey Navalny has been admitted to a hospital in Berlin shortly after he landed in Germany on Saturday morning. The Moscow protest leader remains in a medically-induced coma
Aug 22, 2020 07:25
‘Rapid drop in blood sugar levels’ preliminary diagnosis behind Moscow protest leader Navalny’s illness – medical team leader
Alexey Navalny may have experienced a rapid drop in blood sugar levels during a flight on Thursday, leading to him losing consciousness. That's according to the chief doctor at the Omsk medical facility where he is being treated.
Aug 21, 2020 10:37
Worth a shot: Belgian man has fecal transplant to stop him getting drunk from alcohol brewed in his gut
A 47-year-old Belgian man kept randomly getting drunk over the course of two months, despite not having had a drop of alcohol to drink. The culprit? A home brew that was fermenting in his own gut.
Aug 18, 2020 09:08
Exporters like Russia won as Covid-19 fears pushed grain market up, but now veggies may get sliced & diced
Coronavirus tanked global markets, but for grain producers like Russia, the pain was eased by a surge in prices. More bad news is on the horizon, however, as virus-induced labor shortages threaten the fruit and vegetable supply.
Apr 10, 2020 08:29
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