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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Diplomat suspended for meeting with Israeli counterpart
Libya’s foreign minister has been placed under investigation amid protests over her encounter with Israel’s Eli Cohen
Aug 28, 2023 18:29
‘Neymar: The Perfect Chaos’ – welcome to the world of a football diva in denial
The new Netflix docuseries on the Brazilian football superstar is polished and on-brand, but portrays a personality desperate for you to think he doesn’t care
Jan 27, 2022 16:35
WATCH: Woman goes viral for casually enjoying drink as wild brawl unfolds around her at Seattle-Nashville hockey game
Hockey fans had a night they'll never forget during the Seattle Kraken's second-ever match in the NHL, as their brawling in the stands went viral while a woman casually enjoyed her drink with fighting in her lap.
Oct 16, 2021 14:52
Paris Saint-Germain president insists club have followed financial rules ‘since day 1’ as critics question mega-money Messi deal
Paris Saint-Germain have always followed fair play rules, the club's Qatari supremo has insisted after they handed Lionel Messi a whopping deal to join them – and motormouth Piers Morgan says shirts sales alone can cover the cost.
Aug 11, 2021 17:31
Anti-woke professor Jordan B Peterson’s new self-help book for the masses will sell millions. No wonder the liberals are in tears
Pop psychologist Jordan Peterson’s ideas have been branded ‘hate speech’ by his publisher’s tearful employees, even though his books pay their wages. No doubt they’d prefer their company to publish feminist bilge like I Hate Men.
Nov 25, 2020 18:17
Love match? Diletta Leotta sends Italian gossip mags into MELTDOWN after meeting Zlatan Ibrahimovic for dinner
Italian football presenter Diletta Leotta, who featured in a racy workout film with AC Milan star Zlatan Ibrahimovic earlier this month, has been pictured meeting the striker for dinner after a reported split from her boyfriend.
Jul 23, 2020 18:44
‘Not the Onion’: US top doctor Fauci lands glossy fashion magazine cover as Covid-19 rages on
US chief virologist Dr. Anthony Fauci has taken some time off his coronavirus-busy schedule for a photo shoot with a fashion magazine. Some loved the splash, but others argued it was a “bad look" during a pandemic.
Jul 16, 2020 19:23
Comedian Jimmy Kimmel finally facing cancellation after blackface & ‘n-word’ tapes shatter ‘woke’ reinvention
Calls to “cancel” late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel over blackface routines and past racial slurs have reached fever pitch, as his efforts to reinvent himself as “America’s conscience” are dashed on the rocks of his own hypocrisy.
Jun 23, 2020 18:18
Pro-Beijing Hong Kong lawmaker STABBED in apparent assassination attempt (GRAPHIC VIDEO)
A Hong Kong lawmaker aligned with the territory’s pro-Beijing camp was attacked by a knife-wielding man in what appeared to be an attempt on his life, captured in shocking footage shared online.
Nov 6, 2019 04:54
YouTube vegans earned millions. But when they quit all hell broke loose. Should we pity them?
Former vegan stars on social media complain they have been harassed for daring to eat eggs and meat again. Perhaps they should have thought ahead when they were “influencing” millions into their restrictive and unbalanced diets.
Sep 4, 2019 14:13
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