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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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10 results
With soaring rates of obesity and diabetes, the West is paying a high price for colonialism
Chronic levels of sugar-related diabetes have blighted the Caribbean for years due to slavery. Now the UK and US are experiencing the pain it causes – which makes Britain’s apparent rejection of a fat tax all the more surprising.
Jul 18, 2021 08:00
Diet-conscious Mariah Carey inks lucrative deal with...Walkers crisp brand
Svelte and toned at her 49 years, Mariah Carey is known to abide by a strict –and presumably expensive– diet to stay in shape. However, she has now reportedly signed a £9 million deal to promote ...Walkers Crisps!
Aug 26, 2019 19:17
Hold the cyanide, please: Health food fads that can do more harm than good
The wellness industry has boomed in recent years, replete with the latest fad diets, nonsense workout routines and so-called superfoods. But amid all the hype lies the risk of serious harm.
Aug 20, 2019 16:57
‘Tastes like chicken’: Swiss supermarket to sell ‘bug burgers’ following loosening of food laws
Switzerland is renowned for its fondue and chocolate, but a more adventurous culinary offering will soon be available on supermarket shelves. Food giant Coop will begin selling insect-based dishes including “bug burgers” and “bug meatballs” next spring.
Dec 19, 2016 15:40
Eating less beef key to reaching EU climate change goals - Swedish scientists
Climate targets by the European Union won’t be met unless the greenhouse gas emissions from cows and sheep are cut by 75 percent, a new study from Swedish scientists has found.
Feb 23, 2016 13:57
Bug burger anyone? Insect-based grub could hit Swiss groceries next year
Next year, insects might be on the shelves of Swiss grocery stores alongside Switzerland’s national sausage, mustard and cheese, after the Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office suggested commercializing crickets, grasshoppers and meal worms.
Jun 23, 2015 12:08
Yummy and healthy? Study finds chocolate lowers risk of heart disease, strokes
A new study has found that chocolate can lower the risk of heart disease and strokes as well as reduce blood pressure and help people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, but the results are not definitive.
Jun 16, 2015 16:11
Can chocolate & cakes steal your memory? High blood sugar increases risk of Alzheimer's, new study claims
Got a sweet tooth? Think twice before eating too much cake or chocolate. A new study shows that high levels of blood sugar may be the cause of the killer Alzheimer's disease.
May 6, 2015 16:27
Grape expectations: Wine-tasting sensor offers a vintage guide to quality
Wine-tasting could be revolutionized by a new invention from Denmark – a nano-sensor that evaluates a vintage’s quality by measuring its astringency, a characteristic of the dry sensation produced by tannins in a wine taster’s mouth.
Sep 24, 2014 13:38
Pizza from a printer: NASA to spend $125,000 funding 3D food production project
NASA is funding research into 3D printed food which would provide astronauts with meals during long space flights. The futuristic food printers would use cartridges of powder and oils which would have a shelf life of 30 years.
May 21, 2013 17:49
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