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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Japan makes first arrests over ‘sushi terrorism’
The country has been shocked by a series of pranks at restaurants, including shared soy sauce bottles being licked
Mar 9, 2023 16:32
Musk shows off ‘Mechazilla’
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has hailed the progress made in the testing of the robotic mechanism at the SpaceX launch pad in southern Texas, which was built to catch returning rockets and spacecraft.
Jan 10, 2022 10:26
BoJo blames Covid-19 vaccines for Easter lockdown, ruining months of jab promotion. But hey, at least it’s not his fault, right?
Trying to blame England’s confusing Covid-19 lockdown rules on vaccines for not giving ‘100% protection’, PM Boris Johnson yet again displays his chronic inability to accept responsibility for those tough, unpopular decisions.
Apr 2, 2021 18:27
Boris Johnson studied the classics at Oxford but now seeks (and needs!) a spokesman to rein in his flailing tongue
A job listing for the role of prime minister’s spokesperson has been released, but what will the new role mean for the political discourse in Britain and is it actually an insurance policy to protect BoJo from himself?
Jul 30, 2020 12:24
Is political correctness killing fashion? Designers are speaking up against the ‘tyranny’ of the woke
The fashion industry has come under increasing pressure to be as politically correct and “woke” as possible in recent years, but some designers have had enough and are speaking out against social “tyranny.”
Oct 3, 2019 06:55
‘Deeply sorry’: Versace in hot water as China accuses fashion brand of questioning its sovereignty
The Italian luxury fashion company Versace has found itself at the center of a scandal after its T-shirt design sparked uproar in China. A print on the clothing item referred to China’s Hong Kong and Macau as separate states.
Aug 11, 2019 17:14
Burger King falls foul of Twitter tastes with ‘racist’ chopsticks ad (VIDEO)
Burger King’s new online ad for a Vietnamese dish has proven an unsavory serving, with Twitter users relishing the opportunity to roast the brand for its cultural insensitivity.
Apr 6, 2019 10:21
All the rage… Constant barrage of ridiculous outrage is getting me really angry
I’m desperate to be part of this outrage culture, people seem to get such energy from it, but I just can’t commit to the scene. I must be missing something because – and don’t get angry – it mostly just looks stupid.
Feb 14, 2019 21:57
Racist or no sense at all? Gucci withdraws women’s jumper amid ‘blackface’ row
Facing backlash over its women’s woolen jumper called “blackface,” fashion brand Gucci has removed it from sale and issued formal apologies, but not all netizens were offended by the clothing item.
Feb 7, 2019 09:07
Dolce & Gabbana beg for forgiveness after ‘racist’ ad triggers backlash in China
The founders of Italian fashion house Dolce & Gabbana have apologized to China, after a ‘racist’ ad saw the company dumped by Chinese retailers and boycotted across Chinese social media.
Nov 23, 2018 20:54
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