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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin supports Ukraine conflict ceasefire as US envoy visits Moscow: LIVE UPDATES
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34 results
Why is India’s fight against fake news a worry for free speech?
An amended Indian law to regulate misinformation online raises fears that dissent may be muzzled
Jul 30, 2023 15:35
G20 digital health agenda can be India’s gift to the Global South
An evolving electronic infrastructure, built-up before and during the Covid-19 pandemic, is ready to take off globally
Mar 31, 2023 02:30
With the migration being mostly political, is Parler destined to be “Conservative Twitter,” or will it gain mainstream appeal?
As a new social media platform tops the download charts, everyone’s pondering whether it can compete with Twitter. In the end, that’ll depend on whether it can hook in the average person, rather than the political theater.
Nov 18, 2020 13:17
Babies learn to speak in the womb — linguist
Language is what makes us humans unique. So, what's behind one of our species’ most incredible talents? And how is it changing with technology? We ask Robert Berwick, professor of computational linguistics, computer science and engineering at...
Nov 13, 2020 06:59
‘Linked to white supremacy’: Paper celebrating Google’s quantum computer SOUNDS RACIST, say SJW scientists
A Google computer recently achieved “quantum supremacy,” performing a calculation that’d be impossible on a regular machine. Some scientists are up in arms – not at the breakthrough, but because “supremacy” sounds vaguely racist.
Dec 15, 2019 17:39
Digital immortality: Transhumanism may hold key to eternal life, along with multiple caveats & ethical dilemmas
Some people hope to cheat death by storing their consciousness digitally. Science isn’t quite there yet, but we’ve done enough brain and memory research to have immediate implications – and to start asking uncomfortable questions.
Dec 2, 2019 11:11
Musk’s Neuralink brain chip project is a fairy tale – neurosurgeon
Love, hate, and our brightest ideas – all born in the body’s most fascinating and complex organ. We talked to a man who literally looks into other people’s brains – Dr. Henry Marsh, one of Britain’s top neurosurgeons....
Oct 11, 2019 07:50
Impossible to teach robots to love – robotics inventor
While the idea of humans and robots walking the streets is still just a dream, in reality, robotics is already taking over our daily lives. Will we be able to create thinking robots in the future, and ultimately, is that something we really want? We...
Jul 20, 2018 07:06
‘Type messages with your brain’: Facebook teases development of new silent speech technology
Facebook says it is developing non-invasive technology that will allow people to transform thoughts into text through sheer mind power, sparing them the time and effort required to type words. The project has received a fairly mixed response, however.
Apr 20, 2017 07:01
Snowden claims US govt ‘trapped’ him in Russia
Edward Snowden claimed the US government could have allowed him to travel to another country but instead “trapped” him in Russia in an attempt to raise suspicion that he was a spy.
Dec 13, 2016 20:02
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