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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin met with Trump envoy – Kremlin
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RT Features
12 results
The father of modern arthouse: How renowned Russian director Andrey Tarkovsky transformed world cinema
The Soviet Union's key filmmaker of the post-war era laid the foundation for the kind of output taken for granted by movie lovers today
Apr 28, 2023 09:24
The curious case of Dr. Seuss shows that it’s getting ever more confusing deciding what’s racist – and what’s not – in the arts
Is the cancellation of six Dr. Seuss books a legitimate step to address racism or cack-handed corporate virtue signalling? There are no easy answers when addressing what’s considered offensive and discriminatory in modern culture.
Mar 4, 2021 15:16
There are thousands of Covid strains, so this new scare is NOT a big deal, but politicians just love their new authoritarianism
The UK’s virus mutation is nothing but recycled alarmism, with no substance to justify the cancellation of Christmas and plunging us all into yet more misery. It’s unscientific, unjustifiable and unforgivable.
Dec 21, 2020 19:57
On Contact: Understanding socialism with Richard Wolff
Chris Hedges talks to economist Richard Wolff about his new book ‘Understanding Socialism’. Wolff explains how in the socialist dream, work is something that we should want to engage in, that means something to us, that brings us into...
Feb 9, 2020 07:26
Luck doesn’t exist – psychologist
Hoping, fantasizing, believing – all seemingly natural things for humans. But can we choose what we believe and why we believe in the first place? We asked Michael Shermer, a psychologist, science writer and founder of the Skeptic magazine....
Nov 1, 2019 06:58
Goodbye communism, hello turbo-capitalism & regime change wars: Unfulfilled hopes of 1989
The summer/autumn of 1989 was a period of great change in Europe, leading to the end of communism and the fall of the Berlin Wall. But have all the changes been positive – for the east and west?
Aug 30, 2019 14:53
Nigeria can’t deal with Boko Haram on its own – ex-soldier for hire
When an ISIS affiliate descended upon Nigeria, mercenaries played a major role in pushing the terrorists back. Is outsourcing the name of the game when it comes to modern conflicts? We asked Cobus Claassens, the managing director at Pilgrims Africa...
Apr 5, 2019 05:30
Random investing in green tech to result in a bubble that will burst within 3-5 yrs – Per Wimmer
With climate change upon us, green technology is becoming all the rage. But are we being overly enthusiastic about renewable energy? Financial guru and philanthropist Per Wimmer shared his view. Follow @SophieCo_RT Sophie Shevardnadze: Per Wimmer,...
Jul 30, 2018 07:35
Media collusion & Fusion GPS: Were US journalists paid to peddle ‘Russiagate’?
From lurid reports of Trumpian ‘golden showers’ in Moscow to unverified claims of Russia ‘hacking’ Hillary Clinton’s email, a high-ranking US lawmaker is on a mission to determine if journalists were paid to push an anti-Russian document.
Nov 7, 2017 17:42
JK Rowling under fire for Native American ‘cultural appropriation’ in new stories
A Twitter storm is brewing over the Harry Potter author’s incorporation of Native American myths in her new series of stories, with accusers saying their portrayal was inaccurate and insensitive.
Mar 9, 2016 20:32
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