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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Trump envoy arrives for talks in Russia: live updates
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14 results
Russian Soyuz brings cargo spacecraft into orbit (VIDEO)
The ‘Progress MS-28’ carrying fuel, water and food is expected to reach the International Space Station in two days
Aug 15, 2024 10:48
Female boxing braggart Shields compares herself to Muhammad Ali again as she pledges to become MMA champ in fiery press conference
Multiweight boxing champion Claressa Shields has again compared herself to Muhammad Ali ahead of her Professional Fighters League MMA bow, comparing the two sports in between savaging opponent Brittney Elkin after their weigh-in.
Jun 10, 2021 11:32
Scientists devise new plan to test if mysterious ‘Planet Nine’ is primordial black hole
Scientists at Harvard University have developed a new method to hunt down black holes beyond our galaxy which may finally figure out what is going on with the oft-theorized but never-witnessed ‘Planet Nine.’
Jul 10, 2020 14:04
Grandad’s testicle ‘explodes’ after he contracts rare strain of Salmonella
A grandfather whose testicle “exploded” after he contracted a rare form of Salmonella says his life has completely changed. The 59-year-old caught the disease while on a Tunisian holiday.
Jan 9, 2018 18:38
Global telescope array to deliver 1st-ever black hole image by 2018
An array of radio telescopes scattered around the world may soon produce the first-ever image of a black hole. The experiment would also serve as a test for Einstein's theory of general relativity.
Feb 17, 2017 15:57
Turkish fruit, vegetables face total ban in Russia
Russia's agriculture watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor has announced plans to halt the remaining imports of fruit and vegetables from Turkey next week.
May 12, 2016 14:05
Storm front: Eastern US braces for winds, hail (PHOTO, VIDEO)
Residents of the eastern US are bracing for high winds, lightning and hail as a line of storms moved across the central states Tuesday, leaving tens of thousands without power.
Apr 27, 2016 14:56
Syria to replace Turkey on Russia's fruit & vegetables market
Syria has started exporting fruit and vegetables to Russia, reports Kommersant business daily. The produce is expected to partially fill the void of banned Turkish goods.
Mar 22, 2016 10:54
Pesticides on fruits and vegetables could account for 49 percent loss in sperm
A major study of men’s sperm found that those who ate regular quantities of fruit and vegetables that had pesticide residue on them had half the sperm count of men who ate less, a new study showed.
Mar 31, 2015 04:18
Google data collection worries Americans more than NSA
Americans may not like the fact that the National Security Agency is collecting data on their phone calls and emails, but it turns out they are even more concerned over another surveillance threat: Google.
Oct 30, 2014 04:59
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