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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
12 results
Hungary accuses EU of abusing its power
PM Viktor Orban pledged to steer his country away from the “suicidal waves” of the West
May 16, 2022 16:54
‘HANG HIM,’ GB News presenter demands as Manchester Arena bomb plotter reportedly refuses deradicalisation programmes
A GB News presenter’s controversial call to hang the imprisoned Manchester Arena bomb plotter has sparked debate on social media, with many telling the TV host to reconsider his “medieval opinion.”
Jul 28, 2021 14:04
Move over, LinkedIn! TikTok enters jobs marketplace with pilot ‘video resumé’ program
As part of a new recruitment program, budding WWE superstars, corporate gig-hunters and part-timers alike can find work by uploading short video CVs to “creatively and authentically showcase their skillsets and experiences.”
Jul 8, 2021 17:47
Russia to introduce export duties on green lumber sales to rein in price growth
An export tax of as much as 10% will be imposed on sales of several sorts of Russian wood, according to a government order signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin on Friday.
May 22, 2021 11:29
World may be facing another toilet paper shortage due to shipping container crisis, industry boss warns
The largest producer of wood pulp, which is needed to make toilet paper, has warned that the demand for shipping containers could delay deliveries to producers, with the Suez Canal blockage only making things worse.
Mar 27, 2021 06:48
‘I recall a smell of plastic and bodies melting together’: What Beslan siege survivors can’t forget
Fifteen years on, the terrorist attack that killed 334 victims –mostly children– still defines those who got out alive. In a new RT documentary, they return to the school gym where hostages were held, to face their own nightmares.
Sep 1, 2019 09:18
'Naughty snakes!' Pythons fighting over female fall through ceiling of Australian home (VIDEO)
Many homeowners worry about burglars breaking in, but no one expects snakes to fall from the ceiling and fight in the middle of their bedroom. However, that's exactly what happened at a home in Australia.
Sep 11, 2018 23:48
Smart tech voice assistants are a threat to news pluralism, Reporters Without Borders warn
If instead of rummaging through search results and newspaper headlines, you leave it up to your Alexa to feed you the news, you could be locking yourself in an echo chamber, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) warn.
Aug 3, 2018 03:20
Amazon’s smart-speaker Alexa ‘leaks’ private conversation to random number
A US couple was horrified to find out that their private conversation was recorded by Amazon’s Echo voice-controlled device and sent to a work contact. Amazon blamed the “extremely rare” incident on an unlikely sequence of events.
May 25, 2018 05:29
Gates to hell? Eerie blazing tree base filmed after lightning storm (VIDEO, POLL)
In a spooky scene fitting of its graveyard setting, a tree was recorded being consumed by fire from the inside out after a devastating lightning strike.
Mar 4, 2017 13:18
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