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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Mending Russia–US ties, EU undermining Trump, and Ukraine–Greenland parallels: Key points from Lavrov interview
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RT Features
11 results
Gay ghettos, homosexual havens or discriminatory woke nonsense? Britain’s first LGBT-only housing complexes get green light
A project in Manchester is one of many across the UK aimed at elderly LGBTs. But with the world striving for an ever more inclusive society, is it wise to create communities hived off from everyone else? And is it even legal?
Mar 26, 2021 20:03
UFC fans have field day after Jon Jones urges people ‘not to screw up’ in coronavirus message… then gets arrested
A message from UFC pound-for-pound king Jon ‘Bones’ Jones imploring his millions of social media followers “not to screw this up” as the world grapples with the Covid-19 pandemic has come back to bite him after his latest arrest.
Mar 27, 2020 10:27
Liverpool star Mohamed Salah dresses up as Disney character to celebrate daughter's birthday
Egypt and Liverpool star Mohamed Salah swapped his football jersey for a bold leaf skirt to portray Disney character Maui while celebrating his daughter’s birthday.
Oct 17, 2019 16:14
Try before you fly: Scientists selling ‘Martian dirt’ to NASA for experiments
NASA may have the technology to visit the real Red Planet but a Florida university is still selling the US space agency faux Martian dirt for intergalactic farming and exploration experiments.
Oct 1, 2018 14:54
Poor diet to blame for return of scurvy in Australia, health officials say
The disease that was historically associated with sailors and long-distance sea travelers who had no access fruit or vegetables has reappeared in Australia, health officials have warned.
Nov 30, 2016 00:19
MIT scientists ‘train’ spinach plants to sniff out bombs (VIDEO)
Popeye knew the secret of spinach’s superpowers, and now scientists do too. MIT researchers have found out this leafy green can detect explosives and even be turned it into a bomb-sniffing machine that works wirelessly through a smartphone.
Nov 2, 2016 01:42
‘Bobbing Forest’ adds splash of green to urban Dutch harbor
A thicket of trees, dubbed the ‘Bobbing Forest’, will be soon floating upright in the disused Rotterdam harbor of Rijnhaven.
Jan 26, 2016 16:21
E. coli scare spreads to over 155,000 products containing celery
E. coli found in Costco chicken salads made 19 people sick, and once the culprit ingredient was identified, seven other major chain stores became involved. Now over 155,000 products containing celery are being recalled, and more E. coli cases are predicted.
Dec 4, 2015 04:55
‘Cruel and absurd’: Cambridge heart disease study starves rats of oxygen
Cambridge University has drawn the fury of animal rights groups after it emerged the British Heart Foundation is funding scientific research, which involves keeping rats in low-oxygen environments.
Jan 26, 2015 13:52
Tee-Crime: Florida man wearing 'I Have Drugs' t-shirt arrested for just that
John Balmer, 50, was in line at a Kmart in Hudson, Florida when a deputy with the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office entered the store.
Jan 7, 2015 17:29
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