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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russian forces liberate largest Ukrainian-held town in Kursk Region – MOD | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin supports Ukraine conflict ceasefire as US envoy visits Moscow: LIVE UPDATES
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RT Features
13 results
Extinction Rebellion now encouraging financial crime as climate protest turns into anti-capitalism madness
Initially promoted as climate activists, Extinction Rebellion attracted well-off, middle-aged women but a new anti-capitalist campaign could see supporters lose homes, be jailed for fraud or denied credit as extremists take over.
Nov 23, 2020 18:11
One-man show: Cristiano Ronaldo gives Maurizio Sarri a problem at Juventus that will linger until he leaves the Serie A champions
As Serie A winners Juventus ended their season with a whimper by slumping to their third defeat in four, Cristiano Ronaldo's warning to fans that silverware doesn't come easily might have more to do with him than he imagines.
Aug 2, 2020 19:12
Chilean villagers suffer water shortages because of Europeans’ love for avocado
Locals don’t benefit from avocado business in Chile; a peasant in Petorca doesn't have water to irrigate plants, raise animals; the river is dry and life is unbearable, Alexander Panez Pinto, Modatima, told RT.
May 22, 2018 09:17
Party like a Russian (peasant): Christmas festival mixes Orthodox and pagan rites
Despite Christianity’s attempts to sanitize it, Russia’s midwinter festival, Svyatki, is the most anarchic, mystical and obscene pagan extravaganza you’ve never been to. Is it too late to join in?
Jan 8, 2018 19:02
Drugs, alcohol & offended insider: 5 reasons why Sochi doping allegations don't hold up
Russian athletes and sporting officials have blasted an uncorroborated report by the New York Times, in which the country’s Olympic champions were accused of doping during the Sochi 2014 Games by the sacked head of Russia’s anti-doping laboratory.
May 14, 2016 01:25
4 officers wounded in Brussels raid related to Paris attacks
Four police officers were injured in Brussels during an anti-terror raid linked to the November terror attacks in Paris, according to federal prosecutors. The gunman armed with an assault rifle was “neutralized,” but the hunt for other suspects continues.
Mar 15, 2016 14:21
'Super polymer' can change shape with body heat, lift 1000x its own weight
A new polymer capable of supporting 1,000 times its own mass could soon change the world of medicine and fashion forever. The material can be stretched to a temporary shape, and hold that shape until heated to just above room temperature.
Feb 14, 2016 19:36
SpaceShipTwo co-pilot initiated error causing crash – NTSB
The crash of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo last year was caused when the now-deceased co-pilot prematurely unlocked a vulnerable braking system, federal investigators have confirmed.
Jul 28, 2015 19:21
Episode 661
In this edition of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the story of a woman locked up in Gainesville, Georgia for three months after being found with dried pasta sauce on a spoon which was mistaken for crystal meth - until...
Oct 2, 2014 10:36
Indiana stored babies’ DNA, blood for research without parental consent
The Indiana State Department of Health has been collecting babies’ blood and DNA without their parents’ permission since 1991, according to an investigation by a local news station. Now the state wants to know what to do with the blood samples.
Jul 12, 2014 02:29
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