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Putin calls on Ukrainian troops encircled near Kursk to surrender | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Trump launches ‘powerful military action’ against Houthis
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22 results
Prof. Schlevogt’s Compass № 2: One Chinese city holds the secret cure to many of the world’s problems
Faced with ubiquitous stagnation, the strategic planners of the new multipolar world are desperate for miracle cures. This Networked Growth Manifesto draws upon Hefei’s ‘Six capital model’ to offer some excellent possibilities
Aug 30, 2023 14:59
Lasers, spaceflight, surgery, nuclear power and the secrets of Mayan civilization: How Russian scientists changed the world
The country’s contributions to research and discovery impact all our lives
Feb 8, 2023 11:34
As tensions between China and Taiwan continue to build, has wishy-washy White House messaging caused Taipei to ‘blink’ first?
Beijing has staked a lot of domestic political capital on ‘reunification’ with the estranged island nation they view as their own. As they run out of soft power options, this Pacific pressure cooker gets ever closer to bursting.
Oct 7, 2021 16:44
Putin and Xi pledge to keep peace in Central Asia, after US withdrawal from Afghanistan sparks fears of drug trafficking & terror
Moscow and Beijing will work together to secure the region around Afghanistan, after Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese premier Xi Jinping reiterated their commitment to Central Asia in a telephone call on Wednesday.
Aug 25, 2021 15:09
‘I cannot stop thinking about it’: Jose Mourinho reveals his tears for Christian Eriksen following Euro 2020 collapse
Newly installed Roma boss Jose Mourinho has revealed that he cried after seeing the dramatic scenes during Denmark's Euro 2020 fixture with Finland in which star player Christian Eriksen suffered a medical emergency on the pitch.
Jun 14, 2021 10:55
On Contact: Nonviolent rebellion with Roger Hallam
Chris Hedges discusses resistance with Roger Hallam, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion and author of ‘Common Sense for the 21st Century: Only Nonviolent Rebellion Can Now Stop Climate Breakdown and Social Collapse’. EXTRA NOTES:In April...
Aug 2, 2020 06:32
Coronavirus clause hands Wimbledon a break as canceled championships' reported $141 MILLION pandemic insurance policy pays off
An insurance measure against pandemics, launched by Wimbledon following the SARS outbreak 17 years ago, will reportedly pay out around $141 million in compensation following the cancellation of this year's tournament in London.
Apr 9, 2020 11:56
How Russia plans to disentangle its economy from US dollar
The Russian Finance Ministry has announced a plan to wean the country of dollar dependence. It is expected to be a long and painful process. RT has asked analysts to explain how this could be done.
Oct 6, 2018 05:50
‘It’s possible to be homosexual and extremely brave’ - British general
Gays make the army better, the head of the UK Land Forces has said, as a drive to recruit more gay and transgender soldiers gets under way.
Oct 20, 2015 13:10
UK robot 3D-maps Fukushima radiation
A UK startup company has developed a robot that could map hazardous radiation sources at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan. The plant suffered a catastrophic meltdown after an earthquake and tsunami hit the area in March 2011.
Jan 19, 2015 15:13
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