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Russia and US agree list of energy facilities for truce with Ukraine – Kremlin | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Russia and US agree list of energy facilities for truce with Ukraine – Kremlin | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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11 results
Turn down the music & slow your treadmill! Seoul introduces bizarre Covid-19 measures to combat virus surge
South Koreans living in the Greater Seoul area have been asked to slow their roll – literally. Virus authorities have reportedly ordered people to quit “high-speed running on treadmills and fast dance music for group exercises.”
Jul 12, 2021 18:06
UNICEF feeding our children is a humiliation that lays bare a broken system – is the UK a 3rd-world country now?
The faux outrage being expressed over the UN agency stepping in to provide for hungry children in London is misplaced. Focus on the problem’s root causes – and bring about real and lasting change to end poverty.
Dec 18, 2020 07:10
We bombed it, we own it: US wants China to take its hands off Cambodia
As Washington is getting annoyed by Phnom Penh’s growing ties with China, Cambodia is likely to become the focal point of a major rivalry between China and the United States in the global chess game.
Jan 4, 2020 04:20
Kavanaugh drama: New accusations and a support letter from classmates
Fresh sex assault claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has surfaced, as Democrats demand delaying his hearing in the Senate. At the same time, the White House has released a letter of support from his classmates.
Sep 27, 2018 01:52
Open crematorium furnace sends human ashes up into California skies
Foul-smelling black smoke was seen billowing from the doors and chimney of a crematorium in south San Diego County on Thursday. Firefighters who arrived at the scene found the oven’s door had not been shut.
May 25, 2018 02:27
Spanish elite soldiers volunteer for 12-week diet after obesity alarm
At least 180 members of Spain’s elite La Legión infantry regiment have voluntarily signed up to participate in the army’s unique weight loss program to battle obesity.
Jan 5, 2018 06:22
UK will do perfectly well without EU, it’s them who need us - British MP
Long before the Brexit vote was decided, the ‘Remain’ camp warned of imminent economic troubles for the UK if it leaves the EU. However, months after the referendum, it looks like the British economy is still doing well. Were fears over...
Sep 19, 2016 07:03
Stay away from stocks for the next 3 months, warns Goldman
Analysts from the Wall Street bank Goldman Sachs have downgraded their prediction for US and European stocks for the next three months. They expect a reversal of investor positioning and say further growth requires a better economic environment.
Aug 2, 2016 09:37
The false choice of the Brexit referendum
As the Brexit referendum looms closer, British people probably feel that they have engaged in an exhausting level of public participation and that whatever the outcome of the referendum, democracy will have been served.
Jun 22, 2016 10:47
Luxury tax on super-rich ‘the right thing to do’ – Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin said he is not opposed to the idea of imposing a luxury tax, which would encompass elite real estate and cars. The remark was made during the president’s annual call-in Q&A.
Apr 25, 2013 10:37
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