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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin urges Kiev to order troops in Kursk Region to surrender
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28 results
A ‘position of strength’ for the West and Ukraine doesn’t exist anymore
As long as Kiev’s backers keep deluding themselves that Russia can be defeated or forced to accept unfavorable terms, the war will not end
Nov 28, 2024 21:11
Omicron cases doubling in less than 3 days – WHO
The World Health Organization (WHO) has admitted it doesn’t know why the Omicron variant is spreading so rapidly in countries with high levels of Covid-19 immunity.
Dec 18, 2021 12:08
Canadian city Hamilton opens up vaccine eligibility to people 18 and over in outbreak hot spots, as long as they aren't WHITE
Hamilton, a Canadian port city on Lake Ontario, has responded to a jump in Covid-19 cases by making vaccines available to all adults in “hot spot” neighborhoods, but only to residents whose skin isn't white.
Apr 27, 2021 00:17
India’s daily Covid infections hit three-month high, as country rushes to vaccinate population
New daily Covid-19 infections hit a three-month high on Wednesday, as the total number of confirmed cases in the country soared to 11.44 million, and the daily fatality figure reached its highest level in two months.
Mar 17, 2021 10:54
Vaccine Nationalism: The virulent Covid-19 strain we really should be talking about
‘We’re all in this together’ was a mantra at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. That now rings hollow on a global level as rich countries hoard more vaccines than they need, while poorer ones go deprived.
Mar 14, 2021 08:12
Lockdown is a disaster for kids’ mental health, and they need support – but we also cannot pathologize an entire generation
Self-harm, attempted suicides and eating disorders are all on the rise as a result of children being locked up at home. However, we must be careful not to confuse mental illness with the rational misery of our current situation.
Feb 3, 2021 15:48
‘Everyone’s going to get that’: Americans to be issued Covid-19 ‘VACCINE CARDS’ to track doses
As both Covid-19 vaccines waiting to be approved in the US require two doses, Americans will be given a ‘vaccine card’ to keep track of them, nonprofits working with the government on the program told reporters.
Dec 3, 2020 19:33
Western scientists divided over Russian Covid-19 vaccine Sputnik V as developers aim to make ONE BILLION doses in 2021
Experts and world leaders continue to have conflicting opinions on Russia’s pioneering Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine, as the country moves closer to delivering a mass immunization program at home and exporting it abroad.
Nov 29, 2020 16:56
Why the MSM silence on Sputnik V? It may be the best Covid-19 vaccine, but anti-Russian agendas could stop millions getting it
While three vaccines have been lauded internationally for their promising clinical trial results, a Russian produced one is being dismissed by the MSM. So much for the unified ‘global response’ to the pandemic…
Nov 23, 2020 19:04
Sputnik V questions ANSWERED: Head of team financing world’s first Covid-19 vaccine explains formula to critics
Since the launch of the Sputnik V vaccine, developed by scientists from Moscow's Gamaleya Center, Russia has seen immense interest and expressions of hope from many countries and has received requests for 1 billion doses.
Sep 7, 2020 19:00
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