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Putin praises troops behind daring ‘pipeline operation’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin praises troops behind daring ‘pipeline operation’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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27 results
Texas researchers develop method to retrieve, weaken traumatic memories in major breakthrough
Researchers from Texas A&M University believe they have developed a method to safely retrieve traumatic memories and potentially disrupt them, thereby reducing their power to evoke fear responses in PTSD patients.
Apr 9, 2021 11:42
Biden wasn’t kidding when he said ‘nothing would fundamentally change’ under his presidency. Only the media spin is new
The only difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is the nature of their media coverage. The truth is there is scarcely any daylight between most of their policies, but pointing that out will soon be a capital thoughtcrime.
Mar 26, 2021 20:21
Israeli scientists claim they’ve partially REVERSED cellular aging process for 1st time in history
Researchers in Israel claim to have partially reversed cellular aging using a somewhat controversial treatment. While only a small study, it improves our understanding of the aging process in humans.
Nov 20, 2020 10:54
‘Impossible’ breakthrough sees scientists successfully regrow optic nerve cells
Scientists have successfully regenerated damaged optic nerve cells from mice by stimulating production of a certain protein, providing hope for breakthrough treatments of numerous human eye diseases.
Nov 6, 2020 12:56
‘Trojan horse’ treatment makes cancer self-destruct without use of drugs
A new experimental treatment reportedly tricks cancer cells into self-destructing, without the use of any drugs, providing new hope for winning the war on many different types of the disease.
Sep 28, 2020 10:40
Disgraced doctor Rodchenkov calls for ‘blanket Olympic ban’ for Russian athletes as he resurfaces with new book to sell
Former Moscow anti-doping laboratory head Grigory Rodchenkov has called for a blanket ban on Russia from next year’s Tokyo Olympics as the doctor re-emerged to speak to the Western media ahead of the publication of a new book.
Jul 27, 2020 14:53
Eternal sobriety of the drug-free mind? New research suggests ‘erasing’ certain memories may prevent addiction relapse
Using a cutting-edge, fiber optic technique, researchers have selectively ‘erased’ memories from the brains of morphine-addicted mice, in what may prove to be a revolutionary future treatment for drug addiction.
Jul 17, 2020 16:10
Too anti-Israel? Birmingham institute abruptly revokes Angela Davis’ civil rights award
Alabama-based Birmingham Civil Rights Institute has changed its mind about honoring civil rights activist Angela Davis, without much of an explanation. Critics are pointing to Davis’s positions on Israel and Palestine for clues.
Jan 8, 2019 01:14
Why ‘silver bullet’ HIV vaccination could now be step closer
Scientists have developed a new way of studying cells infected with the HIV virus, raising hopes that an elusive cure might be found.
Apr 24, 2018 05:13
Russian & Swedish scientists slow down mice aging with synthetic antioxidant
A new experiment conducted by a joint team of Russian and Swedish scientists has produced groundbreaking results in slowing down the ageing process of mice, raising hopes of the potential creation of an “anti-age” drug.
Feb 18, 2017 00:52
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