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Moscow says deadly attack on Russian journalists was deliberate | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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RT Features
15 results
The Russell Brand rape scandal moves to the next stage, but it’s already too late for him
Police investigations into the comedian have begun, but his career is dead regardless of whether he’s found guilty or not
Oct 5, 2023 00:59
Reverence and revulsion: The problematic case of Roman Polanski
He’s won an Oscar, Baftas, Cannes Palme d’Or, Golden Globe, Venice Golden Lion, Berlin Golden Bear, a string of French César Awards and all the accolades the film industry can bestow on an individual. But, to many people, the...
Feb 10, 2022 12:10
UK faces terrorist attacks by ‘bedroom radicals’ drawn to extremist online content during Covid lockdowns, security experts warn
After the knife killing of MP David Amess, British security experts have warned that the UK could be hit by a deadly wave of lone-wolf terrorist attacks by “bedroom radicals” as a result of “isolation” during Covid-19 lockdowns.
Oct 18, 2021 11:14
US campus libs think they’re promoting ‘diversity’ by holding a panel on ‘black sex’ for black students only. Seriously.
Tulane University in New Orleans held a “sex-positive” week filled with virtue-signaling, borefest events for students, the strangest of which was a talk on “black sex” that was race exclusive.
Mar 5, 2021 20:27
A no-feel Sexxit? UK reintroduces sprawling casual-sex ban amid nationwide lockdown ramp-up
The UK government has warned horny citizens that getting down with someone who lives outside their household will violate strict new lockdown measures which have reanimated an unpopular policy from earlier this summer.
Oct 16, 2020 21:42
'What are you waiting for?' Italian TV presenter Diletta Leotta hooks up with Zlatan for workout as striker teases super-fit host
After teasing television temptress Diletta Leotta for "slacking off", ripped striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic has been filmed encouraging the host as she rises from her bed, saunters in her lingerie and punches his abs in a sports bra.
Jul 9, 2020 16:37
London’s Covid-19 R number is well below critical at 0.4, with only 24 new cases a day. NOW why can't we have our lives back ?
While rates of infection around the UK vary wildly, the capital has managed to hit a low of fewer than 24 cases a day. Now the clamor is growing to ease up on the lockdown and get back to normal life.
May 15, 2020 14:29
Robot sex & the city: An affair heading for disaster
Increasingly, mortal men and women are trading in their aging, worn-out human counterparts for shiny, sleek androids that never get old, never get jealous and never say no. Is this a match made in heaven?
Jun 12, 2019 10:55
Grieving man slept beside dead wife for 6 nights
A grieving man has revealed how he slept beside the body of his dead wife for six days after she died, and is encouraging other families who lose loved ones to follow his example.
May 9, 2017 13:25
Zero gravity feels like miracle, a liberation of body – Chris Hadfield
This man has seen the void itself. Commanding the crew of the chosen few, he led the Expedition 35 aboard the International Space Station and orbited planet Earth as he sang about it while the world listened through the Internet. His broadcasts from...
Jan 9, 2017 07:19
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