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Putin calls on Ukrainian troops encircled near Kursk to surrender | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Aguero reacts after being ruled out for at least THREE MONTHS with heart scare as doctors to monitor Barcelona star
FC Barcelona star Sergio Aguero has broken his silence after a heart scare saw him leave the Camp Nou pitch before halftime at the weekend, and later ruled out of action for at least three months.
Nov 2, 2021 10:17
Barcelona star Aguero ‘stable but worried’ after heart rate disorder diagnosis – reports
Barcelona striker Sergio Aguero has been reported as "stable but worried" after having to leave the pitch during a game on Saturday night with chest pain while later diagnosed with a heart rate rhythm disorder.
Oct 31, 2021 19:09
Tara Reade: For all its 'concern' for mental health, the Washington Post is quick to disregard it when politically inconvenient
Jeff Bezos' paper was, rightly, full of praise for Simone Biles for prioritizing her mental health at the Olympics. Why, then, was it so dismissive of my complaints after printing hurtful untruths about me?
Aug 4, 2021 13:30
Anxiety & depression in children are on the rise. What can we do to help them if Covid restrictions return?
Lockdowns have severely damaged children’s mental health, studies across the globe show. Amid the risk of new restrictions due to the Delta variant, RT asked experts what can be done to prevent aggravating their suffering.
Jul 24, 2021 11:00
Our concept of time is false – theoretical physicist
Aristotle said that time is the most unknown of all unknown things. We talk about its mystery with Professor Carlo Rovelli, theoretical physicist and best-selling author. Follow @SophieCo_RT Instagram Sophieco.visionaries...
Jan 22, 2021 06:41
Symptoms of autoimmune diseases worse depending on time of day – study
A new study has revealed that the symptoms of autoimmune diseases get worse depending on the time of day and how your body clock is working.
Dec 12, 2017 16:11
Early bird or night owl: Sleep patterns depend on how eyes process light
Whether an animal is active during the day and sleeps at night (diurnal) or the opposite (nocturnal) depends on how its eyes process light to send signals to its brain, a new study has found. Humans’ sleep/wake modes could be dependent on the same switch.
Aug 22, 2016 22:59
Elections in Mali: Francophile A vs. francophile B
While many citizens long for stability as Mali holds its first presidential elections since the 2012 coup, France and others are positioning themselves to reap the rewards of military intervention from the impoverished resource-rich nation.
Aug 6, 2013 12:15
Most Taser shots in UK aimed at chest despite ‘risk of potential serious injury or death’
More than half of all Taser shots discharged by UK police target the chest of the arrestee, despite warnings that this could lead to “serious complications” involving the heart. Last week, a UK man died after being tasered, due to a “medical episode.”
Jul 15, 2013 17:40
Pavlyuchenko scared by news from Russia
Tottenham striker Roman Pavlyuchenko says he is frightened after watching news about football fans rioting in the heart of the Russian capital.
Dec 14, 2010 11:59
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