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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Russia & Former Soviet Union
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Key points from Putin’s speech on placing Ukraine under UN control | Russia-Ukraine conflict
UK, France involved in Kiev’s latest attack on Russian energy infrastructure – Moscow
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RT Features
13 results
Depression is genetic – psychiatrist
Depression is often seen as the scourge of our time. We look into how to spot it, then roll it back before it’s too late with Dr. Stuart Eisendrath, psychiatrist, founder of the University of California San Francisco Depression Center, and...
Jul 23, 2021 07:28
‘We did it’: Russia stun USA in ice hockey championships comeback – despite losing star after he elbowed opponent in head (VIDEO)
Team Russia survived the dismissal of their inspirational captain for 10 minutes to earn a sensational win over hosts the USA at the IIHF World Under-18 Ice Hockey Championship, coming back from 5-1 down in the curtain-raiser.
Apr 27, 2021 14:04
From wood cabin to orbiting Earth: How Yuri Gagarin’s improbable journey into space defined a decade, but nearly ended in disaster
When Yuri Gagarin was born in 1934, the idea that he would step aboard a rocket and launch into space was less a boyhood dream than an impossible fantasy. But, two decades later, he was looking down on Earth having done just that.
Apr 12, 2021 07:19
Stress causes chemical changes in DNA – family trauma expert
Recent studies suggest that it’s not only our life experiences that help shape who we are but also those lived long before us. How is it possible? We asked Mark Wolynn, the leading expert in the field of inherited family trauma, director of...
Feb 26, 2021 06:38
UFC 244: Darren Till faces make-or-break moment on middleweight debut
For years, Darren Till's eventual move to the middleweight division was prophesied but now that he has arrived in his new home, what sort of impact can the Liverpool slugger make against top-ranked Kelvin Gastelum at 185lbs?
Oct 28, 2019 18:38
Putin offers Washington red pill. Washington takes the blue one
In an extraordinary moment this week, Russian leader Vladimir Putin offered Washington a challenge to discover the truth over sensational US media claims that President Trump had leaked top-secret information to Russia. Washington rebuffed Putin’s offer.
May 17, 2017 17:08
Happy haul: Dutch police seize ingredients enough to make 1 bn ecstasy pills
Dutch police have seized materials that could make as many as 1 billion ecstasy pills in a stolen truck near the Belgian border on Thursday. Three men were arrested at the scene.
Feb 10, 2017 02:41
AR mother arrested after 3-year-old found dead in washing machine
An Arkansas mother was arrested on two felony counts after her three-year-old child climbed into a washing machine and died.
Jul 30, 2016 04:20
‘Super-gonorrhea’ in UK may be untreatable, may show up in the US
Sixteen cases of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted disease, have been reported in the UK, leading the country’s chief medical officer to warn of the rise of “super-gonorrhea.”
Dec 31, 2015 02:10
Murder at The Hague? The strange case of sick & suicidal Serbs
A Serb dies suddenly- and at the worst time possible time - during an important war crimes trial at The Hague. Does that sound familiar?
Oct 29, 2015 12:27
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