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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Putin delivers message to Trump’s envoy | Russia-Ukraine conflict
Putin met with Trump envoy – Kremlin
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17 results
Russian official wants ban on vegetarianism for children
An ombudswoman has claimed that diets lacking animal proteins should be outlawed for minors
Oct 18, 2023 15:12
UK watchdog slaps Advanz pharma company with massive fine over 6,000% price hike on essential thyroid drug
The UK competition watchdog slapped a pharma company with a fine of over $100 million after a more-than-tenfold price hike on a crucial thyroid drug, which made it unaffordable for the NHS and forced people to give up treatments.
Jul 29, 2021 17:41
Better late than never? House passes bill against ‘forever chemicals’ in foot-dragging spectacle, after just ONE state enacts ban
The House of Representatives has passed a bill to ban PFAS – so-called “forever chemicals” that make products stain- and water-resistant – unless their use is deemed “unavoidable.” Maine has banned the toxic substances from 2030.
Jul 22, 2021 23:58
Magnitude of postpartum depression unheard of – reproductive psychiatrist
Being a mother brings joy and a sense of fulfilment, but it's also a psychological and physiological challenge. We discuss this with Dr. Jeffrey Newport, professor of psychiatry, behavioral sciences and women’s health....
Jul 2, 2021 06:35
State of emergency in Michigan county as tested water is 20 times the safe level for PFAS chemicals
A state of emergency has been declared in Kalamazoo County, Michigan, after high levels of man-made PFAS chemicals were found in the drinking water in two towns. The contaminants pose severe health risks and can lead to cancer.
Jul 30, 2018 03:09
Anastasia Yankova: ‘I’m excited to be back to fighting, but won’t get involved in trash talking’
Russian MMA star Anastasia Yankova, who is getting ready to make her comeback to the Bellator cage this May in London, spoke exclusively to RT Sport about the upcoming fight, and why she had a one-year break in fighting.
Mar 22, 2018 15:49
Genetic differences between straight and gay found by new ‘speculative’ study
Gay and straight men have different variations of at least two genes that somewhat correlate with their sexual orientation, a new study appears to show, lending credence to the theory that sexual preferences are inherited, not chosen.
Dec 9, 2017 03:55
Cancer burger? Fast food wrappers contain carcinogenic chemicals, study says
The next time you get a craving for a greasy burger from the drive-thru, you may want to reconsider. A new study has found that fast food packaging contains cancer-causing chemicals – showing that the risk of quick meals goes beyond trans fats and calories.
Feb 2, 2017 13:33
E-cigs contain a million times more cancer-causing chemicals than polluted air – Hong Kong study
The Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health is calling for a full ban on e-cigarettes after a study they commissioned discovered that e-cigarettes contain a million more cancer-causing substances than polluted air.
Mar 1, 2016 18:05
Human organ transplants could be 3D-printed in 15 years – Russian researchers
The future is here…well, almost: human organ transplants, printed on 3D printers, could be functioning in 15 years, according to the vice president of Russia's Skolkovo science and research initiative, Kirill Kaem.
Feb 9, 2016 14:21
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