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Putin calls on Ukrainian troops encircled near Kursk to surrender | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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12 results
Four snails & 90 clams could be killed in upcoming hypersonic missile test, US Air Force warns
The US Air Force has warned that a much-anticipated test of its new air-launched hypersonic missile could kill four snails and 90 clams. No such precise estimates were offered for the weapon's human lethality.
Jun 19, 2021 23:41
Granny Chef: World’s oldest YouTuber and Indian food guru dies aged 107
Over a million of her YouTube followers are mourning the passing of the 107-year-old Indian grandma, admired for her unique authentic cooking skills that required neither stove nor cookware.
Dec 5, 2018 16:21
Acidified oceans are dissolving the protective shields of large shellfish - study
Rising levels of carbon dioxide in seawater could be a major threat to the planet’s shellfish population, with a new study showing how the pollutant stunts growth and strips away the protective shields of marine life.
Oct 15, 2018 16:54
Lonely frogs club: Romeo looks for love (VIDEO)
A Bolivian frog has entered the world of online dating in a valiant effort to save his species.
Feb 10, 2018 10:01
Can of worms: Girl hospitalized after drinking Coca-Cola complete with invertebrate
Imagine taking a big swig from a can of Coca-Cola only to find you had swallowed a worm. That’s exactly what happened to a 12-year-old Italian girl who had to be taken to hospital after the revolting incident.
Jan 20, 2018 11:15
Living samples of world’s oldest life forms found in Australia
Living specimens of stromatolites – the oldest evidence of life on Earth – have been found deep within a remote, protected World Heritage Area in Tasmania, Australia.
Nov 14, 2017 17:25
Paper Tiger: US govt agency stopped 0 of 88,000 projects posing potential risk to endangered species
A new study carried out by Defenders for Wildlife has found that the US Fish and Wildlife Service did not stop any of the 88,000 development projects that could have posed potential risks to endangered species.
Dec 15, 2015 03:48
Nothing to see here, just seal riding a whale
If you think a cool ride is something involving Xzibit, subwoofers, or huge plasma screens for doors, then looks at this photo of a seal casually traveling on a humpback whale, because ... why not?
Sep 20, 2015 03:28
Sleepy Hollow in Kazakhstan: Villagers suffer from unknown brain-affecting disease
Every tenth villager of Kazakhstan's Kalachi has unexpectedly fallen asleep in broad daylight – some unable to wake up for several days. Despite numerous attempts to find the cause of the inexplicable disorder, the Sleepy Hollow riddle remains unsolved.
Dec 14, 2014 22:42
Australia's 'lost world' dazzles with new species
A remote mountain range in northern Australia just gave the world three new species after sitting in isolation for millions of years – including a ‘primitive-looking’ gecko. The scientists are excited for a return, hopeful of uncovering more new species.
Oct 28, 2013 12:57
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