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25 Jul, 2014 18:11

Moscow refutes Washington’s ‘innuendos,' says US shares blame for E. Ukraine crisis

Moscow refutes Washington’s ‘innuendos,' says US shares blame for E. Ukraine crisis

Russia's Foreign Ministry said Moscow is outraged by the US State Department's "unfounded public innuendos." Moscow criticized Washington’s attitude, saying it is pushing the new regime in Ukraine towards a "massacre of the Russian-speaking population.”

The US has launched a campaign to “blacken Russia” in connection with the events in Ukraine, the ministry said.

"During briefings in previous days, she (spokesperson Marie Harf) has produced a load of anti-Russian clichés, which Washington stubbornly tries to impose on international opinion,"
the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

On Thursday, Harf told journalists in Washington that Russia plans to supply “heavier and more powerful rocket launchers” to the self-defense forces fighting against the government troops in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine.

Harf also claimed that she has “intelligence” evidence that the Russian military was firing artillery across the border into Ukraine to target Kiev’s forces.

The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that the State Department failed to provide any proof to back their accusations, “which isn’t surprising as facts and specifics to support those imposturous claims simply don’t exist.”

“Day after day, Washington is reproducing the unsubstantiated fabrications streaming from Kiev; and comes up with ‘fiction’ of its own. The goal of those actions is clear – to conceal the true causes of what is happening in Ukraine; to exculpate its Kiev wards and themselves,” the statement said.

State Department Deputy Spokeswoman Marie Harf (AFP Photo/Brendan Smialowski)

Moscow has reiterated that by supporting the coup-imposed authority in Ukraine, the US has “pushed the new regime towards a brutal massacre of the Russian-speaking population, which demands its legal rights to be respected.”

“The US administration should stop shifting the blame. It would’ve been a lot more honest and responsible to simply remaining silent if it’s so difficult for them to admit the truth,” the ministry said.

The Russian side has also expressed regret that the US State Department's “dedication to anti-Russian propaganda” only leads to more tension between the two states.

“However, it is not the first time that something like this happens,” the statement concluded.

Power shifted in Ukraine in February, when President Viktor Yanukovich was ousted from office.

The government crackdown in the country's southeast started in mid-April, after residents in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions refused to recognize the new authorities in Kiev and demanded federalization.

The Ukrainian military and National Guard resorted to airstrikes and shelling in their struggle against self-defense forces in Donetsk and Lugansk.

Fire brigade members extinguishing fire in a building hit by a shell during an artillery attack by the Ukrainian Security Forces in Lugansk. (RIA Novosti/Valeriy Melnikov)

On July 10, Ukraine’s deputy health minister spoke of 478 civilians being killed in the conflict, with nearly 1,400 people receiving injuries.

Tensions between Moscow and Washington heated up once again last week, after the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 tragedy.

A passenger plane carrying 298 people crashed in Ukraine on July 17. The West has accused anti-Kiev rebels of shooting down the jet. The US believes the militias are supported by Russia.

Moscow has denied the accusations, saying it spotted a Kiev military jet next to the Malaysian Boeing just before the tragedy occurred.

The flight recorders from the Malaysian plane were unsealed in a UK lab, with their memory cards copied for analysis.

The inspection revealed no evidence of tampering with the devices, which may be crucial for investigation, the Interstate Aviation Committee reported on Friday.
