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14 Jun, 2014 13:02

Goldman Sachs, Power of NY Graffiti & Tesla’s Electric Car Patent Revolution

Abby Martin calls out Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein for his comments on income inequality in America, acknowledging there is a problem but ignoring that he’s a part of it. Abby then goes over a few of the most outrageous CIA operations around the world, such as the agency’s efforts to destabilized Latin America through a series of coups and assassinations and even an attempted character assassination through a CIA producer porno film. Abby then speaks with photographer and author, Yoav Litvin, discussing his work documenting 46 different street artists in his book ‘Outdoor Gallery’. Abby then reports on the announcement by Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk, who has released the patents over the company’s electric vehicle technology, discussing the importance of sharing patent information on innovations that move humanity forward. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with Hip Hop Artist Vance ‘Head Roc’ Levy, performing the song ‘The Super Bad III Solution’.

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