The agony of defeat: Public reaction Scottish referendum

Voters in Scotland chose to stay within the United Kingdom on Thursday night, following an intense campaign which almost saw the country become an independent state.
And while thousands of Scots voted - many for the first time - to break from the union, their hopes were dashed when the ‘No’ campaign pipped them to the post.
Here's our map showing the #indyref results for each Scottish local authority, put together by
— LSE Politics&Policy (@LSEpoliticsblog) September 19, 2014
The outcome of the vote upset many who spent weeks campaigning for Scotland’s’ independent future, and they expressed their disappointment on social media:
Eat your cereal Scotland and bow down to your imperialist masters. That's who you are. The bootlickers of the British Empire.
— Kris (@neurosceptic) September 19, 2014
If its a No vote I will be so ashamed and embarrassed to live in a country where people chose fear over hope #indyref#ScotsDecide
— Marc (@marcjry) September 19, 2014
Scotland! The SNP tried, but U blew the chance to rid yourselves of Tories, Monarchy, Imperialism, & Westminster elite forever - try again!
— Barry Dwyer (@barry_dwyer) September 19, 2014
“"I'm now an ex-Scot" said some ‘Yes’ voters. Others said that the result came because undecided voters were made fearful by politicians and the media:
In Glasgow- the city that overwhelmingly voted 'Yes', voters took to the streets and celebrated despite it all.
"Shove the union up your a**e" they chanted.
Some Scottish nationalists even went as far as to say the referendum was rigged:
The Referendum was rigged! POSTAL VOTE FRAUD! @bbcscotlandnews
— Steven Delahunty (@StevenDelahunt1) September 19, 2014
Scotland Referendum rigged? -
— Chris Franck (@franckster25) September 19, 2014
While others suspected that the secret service was behind the ‘No’ victory:
#ScotlandDecides has MI5 targeted Scotland's YES city count? #indyref#yes#VoteYes
— J. (@Kirktonparkie) September 19, 2014
RT @meljomur: My friend who worked in MI5, did tell me back in June, that there was no way in hell the Establishment would let Scotland go.
— Robert Ryan (@Boab10) September 19, 2014
Other Scots were more optimistic about the final tally:
Couldn't be any happier that it is a No vote, the silent majority came through, we did it Well done to the Yes campaign though! #indyref
— jess (@jessvallancex) September 19, 2014
Well done Scotland! #BetterTogether#Scotland#indyref
— Robert Rees (@MrRobRees) September 19, 2014
It's been amazing to be part of a campaign that brought people together to keep people together
— Chelsea Rocks x (@chelsea_mwaa) September 19, 2014
With the referendum result accepted by both the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ campaigns, the British Parliament will now discuss how to give Scotland more say over its policies, and whether devolution of powers will be granted to England and Wales.
Interesting to see how #England reacts to planned addition devolution to #Scotland. Expecting some resentment over the financial settlement
— Robin Bew (@RobinBew) September 19, 2014
Prime Minister David Cameron called the referendum a "triumph for democratic politics," and promised a ‘devolution revolution’ in a speech outside Downing Street on Friday morning.