Protesters flood Wall Street

Several thousand activists, united under the “Flood Wall Street” banner, have hit the streets of New York City’s financial district, risking arrest for participating in an unauthorized gathering three years after the prominent Occupy Wall Street protest.
23 September 2014
00:36 GMT“Flood Wall Street” protesters occupied Broadway for nearly eight hours, with at least two hundred staging a sit-in while several thousand others joined them in support.
A total of 102 people were arrested for disobeying police, according to ABC, after officers ordered those sitting on the corner of Wall Street and Broadway to disperse. Two others were arrested earlier for disorderly conduct.
The arrests were orderly marked contrast to the violent arrests during Occupy Wall Street, and several people commented today on police restraint.
Official #NYPD | 104 arrests total for the #FloodWallStreet action.
— greg jeske (@gregjeske) September 23, 2014
- 00:14 GMT
The sit-in, cordoned off earlier, has been cleared, with police escorting those detained into the buses.
The sit-in has been cleared
— RT America (@RT_America) September 23, 2014
Supporters who were standing behind the barricades and police lines are now going to 100 Center Street, "the tombs,” where the arrested are likely to be arraigned.
- 00:07 GMT
Just a small group left
— RT America (@RT_America) September 23, 2014 - 00:02 GMT
There is a line of arrested protesters who are not boarding the first bus, which means it is probably close to full. DCPI told Vice News that there have been about 50 arrests, and two were arrested earlier in the day for disorderly conduct. The 50 were arrested for refusing to disperse.
22 September 2014
23:56 GMTA police bus is slowly filling up with those being arrested. There is still a good number of people sat in the middle of Broadway facing Wall Street.
Captains Planets taken away together
— Will Dizard (@willdizard) September 22, 2014
Crowd and line of detainees are chanting they'll be back "as long as it takes"
— RT America (@RT_America) September 22, 2014- 23:53 GMT
A supporter of the protesters told Vice News that she noticed a difference in how today's protest was handled by officers, compared to the police under the Bloomberg administration. She remarked how incredible it was that demonstrators were able to take to the streets today.
This protester is on assisted breathing. Cops must know it's not going to look good when they cuff him.
— japhetweeks (@japhetweeks) September 22, 2014
- 23:43 GMT
Multiple people are being arrested at once now
— RT America (@RT_America) September 22, 2014 - 23:33 GMT
NYPD buses arrived, people starts to get arrested
— 15MBcn_int (@15MBcn_int) September 22, 2014
A long line of arrests in the name of climate justice
— (@weoccupymusic) September 22, 2014 - 23:24 GMT
The polar bear has been arrested by the NYPD
— RT America (@RT_America) September 22, 2014
Polar bear arrested
— Christopher Robbins (@ChristRobbins) September 22, 2014
The polar bear had been arrested! How many cops does it take to arrest a bear? protesters ask. #FloodWallStreet
— japhetweeks (@japhetweeks) September 22, 2014 - 23:19 GMT
Police have begun detaining people. At least two men have been walked backwards through the crowd.
Protesters are chanting “Hands up, Don't Shoot!”
Here's the first arrest after police warnings were issued
— RT America (@RT_America) September 22, 2014