Oakland community shocked after artist shot dead while painting peace mural

A young artist has been shot dead in a rough part of Oakland. He was working on a community project painting a motivational mural to inspire young people to dream big.
Fellow artists have described the shooting as random, saying Antonio Ramos, 27, had had an argument with a passerby who wasn’t part of the group working on the Mural Project. The argument quickly escalated, and the offender used his gun on Ramos and ran away.

“How do you do something positive and still get shot for it?” a childhood friend of Ramos told the San Francisco Chronicle.
Many took to Twitter to express their sorrow and a profound feeling of injustice.
Ramos died of multiple gunshot wounds and now the team he worked with is gathering funds to hold a funeral for him.
#AntonioRamos murdered in #Oakland while painting boy with powers to heal and stop violence. @oaklandpolicecapic.twitter.com/T5e8Bit0FC
— alan wang (@AlanWangABC7) September 30, 2015
The Oakland Super Heroes Mural Project, that Ramos was part of, was a collaboration of 60 artists and West Oakland middle-school students. It was organized by community group Attitudinal Healing Connection. It’s a follow up to a 2014 project, when West Oakland Middle School students re-imagined themselves as superheroes that solve problems in their communities.
Antonio Ramos saying "Thank You" to a person passing by in a car, praising the mural artists. [The day before...]...
Posted by Dawood Kawab Sekhem on Thursday, October 1, 2015
Antonio Ramos vigil at @AHC_oakland mural on West @ 35th in West #Oakland#Prayers#Healing#StopGunsNOWpic.twitter.com/STBRiHGZKe
— Joel Tena (@joeltena) September 30, 2015
Attitudinal Healing Connection's Facebook page is reaching out to the community to get involved and boost security to help the artists feel safer when they resume work on the unfinished mural.
Prayers we should never have to pray. #antonioramos#Oaklandhttps://t.co/b1vRbEHOCs
— #ImmigrantsArePeople (@jazzpastord) September 30, 2015
One Twitter user wrote that hundreds of people showed up at the Mural to pay their respects.
Crowd attending prayer service & vigil for #AntonioRamos spills out on West St, numbers in the hundreds #Oaklandpic.twitter.com/hb7iudyEUl
— Allie Rasmus KTVU (@arasmusKTVU) September 30, 2015
People are bringing candles, flowers, writing inspirational quotes and messages to Antonio Ramos to thank him for what he was doing for the community with this project.
Stopped by that mural on my way home last night. Seeing his unfinished portion moved me. #AntonioRamos#Oaklandpic.twitter.com/92XJvh26it
— Christopher Michael (@kingchrxs) September 30, 2015
David Burke, the mural project's art director says the artists will carry on with their work. “We are going to dedicate the rest of this project to him," he told CBS San Francisco.
Honoring Antonio Ramos' Life https://t.co/PxI8aoy21p via #constantcontact
— AHC-Oakland (@AHC_oakland) October 1, 2015
Although everyone close to Ramos is still in shock, those working on the project, plan to resume painting on Monday.
The police have issued a $10,000 reward for any information that could lead to the arrest of Ramos’s killer.
In memoriam: Muralists plan to add #AntonioRamos's portrait to mural he was working on when he was shot & killed pic.twitter.com/fAkALNLpHo
— Allie Rasmus KTVU (@arasmusKTVU) September 30, 2015
Paid my respects. Tragic. Hero for trying to make a positive difference in the community. #AntonioRamos#oaklandpic.twitter.com/QMmSAR1uc0
— Lisaya Mani (@lisayamani) October 1, 2015