Constitutional collateral damage: Lawsuit over American drone deaths tossed out by US judge

Serious issues regarding constitutional law rose to the surface on Friday as a US federal judge dismissed a court case against the US government by families of three Americans killed in US drone strikes in Yemen.
Judge Rosemary Collyer of the US District Court in Washington
ruled that the Americans killed by a US drone strike in Yemen in
2011 had no recourse to the Fourth Amendment of the US
Constitution, as the legal team for the families had argued,
because the US military did not make an effort to restrain the
three individuals who were killed.
The Fourth Amendment explicitly states that the “right of the
people to be secure in their persons…against unreasonable
searches and seizures, shall not be violated.”
"Unmanned drones are functionally incapable of 'seizing' a
person; they are designed to kill, not capture," she wrote.
Although Collyer wrote that the plantiffs presented a reasonable
argument that the US government violated the American right to
due process, “the court finds no available remedy under US
law for this claim."
The judge suggested it was not within the bounds of the courts to
rule against current military planning.
Imposing penalties on particular government officials in this
case "would impermissibly draw the court into the heart of
executive and military planning and deliberation," she
wrote. It would "require the court to examine national
security policy and the military chain of command as well as
operational combat decisions."
"In this delicate area of war making national security and
foreign relations the judiciary has an exceedingly limited
Killed in the drone strike was New Mexico-born Muslim cleric
Anwar al-Awlaki, who, according to US officials, was a member of
Al-Qaida's Yemen affiliate, and Samir Khan, a naturalized US
citizen who had moved to Yemen in 2009.
Al-Awlaki’s 16-year-old son Abdulrahman al-Awlaki was also killed
in the attack.
The question as to who should be held responsible for the
extrajudicial murder of American citizens without due process in
the US legal system seems to have been left hanging in the
balance of the legal scales.
"The question presented is whether federal officials can be
held personally liable for their roles in drone strikes abroad
that target and kill US citizens," Collyer commented in her
opinion. "The question raises fundamental issues regarding
constitutional principles, and it is not easy to answer."
Collyer said that the US officials named as defendants in the
case, which included Leon Panetta, the former defense secretary
and CIA chief, and David Petraeus, also a former CIA chief, as
well as a four-star general, "must be trusted and expected to act
in accordance with the US Constitution when they intentionally
target a US citizen abroad at the direction of the president and
with the concurrence of Congress.
“They cannot be held personally responsible in monetary
damages for conducting war."
The American Civil Liberties Union and the Center for
Constitutional Rights served as legal representation for the
"This is a deeply troubling decision that treats the
government's allegations as proof while refusing to allow those
allegations to be tested in court," said ACLU lawyer Hina
Shamsi. "The court's view that it cannot provide a remedy for
extrajudicial killings when the government claims to be at war,
even far from any battlefield, is profoundly at odds with the
Meanwhile, Center for Constitutional Rights lawyer Maria LaHood
said the judge "effectively convicted" Anwar al-Awlaki
"posthumously based solely on the government's say-so."
LaHood said the court found that the constitutional rights of the
murdered individuals "weren't violated because the government
didn't target them."
"It seems there's no remedy if the government intended to
kill you, and no remedy if it didn't. This decision is a true
travesty of justice for our constitutional democracy and for all
victims of the US government's unlawful killings," LaHood
The United States is facing tough international criticism over
its drone program, which was created to attack suspected
terrorists in places like Pakistan and Yemen. Last month, the UN
Human Rights Committee, which is comprised of 18 independent
experts, called on the Obama administration to evaluate its use
of the aerial attack vehicles to assassinate militants abroad, as
well as provide information as to how it chooses its targets.
The US should "revisit its position regarding legal
justifications for the use of deadly force through drone
attacks," investigate any abuses and compensate victims'
families, the watchdog added in its conclusions.
The Obama administration significantly increased the number of
drone strikes after the president took office in 2009, but the
attacks have begun to decrease in the last year.
Last month, civil rights groups sounded the alarm when US
Attorney General Eric Holder said it was “hypothetically
possible” for the US to unleash a drone attack against an
American on US soil.
“It is possible, I suppose, to imagine an extraordinary
circumstance in which it would be necessary and appropriate under
the Constitution and applicable laws of the United States for the
president to authorize the military to use lethal force within
the territory of the United States," Holder wrote in a
letter dated Match 4th and disclosed by Sen. Rand Paul of